Curfew ( Levi x Teen! reader)

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"Ah shit"

(y/n) struggled to climb back into her bedroom window. She had snuck outside right after bedtime to hang out with some not so good friend and was returning around 3 am. She assumed everyone was still asleep, boy was she wrong.

"Son of a bitch"

"Daughter actually".

(y/n) looked up to see Levi, Farlan, and Isabella stand by her bedroom door. "Your busted" Farlan said he was clearly annoyed and Isabella looked beyond tried they obviously didn't want to be up at 3 am.

"Let me help you"

"No, no, no, no" Levi stepped forward grabbing (y/n) by the forearm and pulled her through the window letting her fall face first on the floor.


(y/n) rolled over to her back to see Levi standing over her. He lifted her up by her collar. "what the hell is wrong with you"

"I went out with a few friends no big deal"

"Curfews at 7 it's 3 am in the morning, Big deal."

"Levi, calm down".

Levi lets go of her collar and points to her " Shut the hell up. Get your ass ready for bed" Levi left the room giving (y/n) a moment to herself to change.

Isabella and Farlan made sure she was okay before leaving for bed as well. (y/n) exhausted sat on the edge of her bed in nothing but a large shirt and underwear. Levi came in pulling up a chair at the end of her bed.

"are you going to explain or..." (y/n) sighed she'd have to tell him sooner or later.

"I, Jake and a few others went out to get drunk" Levi tensed up. Jake was known to be a troublemaker and often ran into Military Police he was not a good kid. " I didn't drink I promise. I was basically chaperoning them all night. I didn't think you'd be this made. We didn't do much just run around the streets. I promise nothing bad happened."

Levi sighed leaning back a bit he ran a hand through his hair. If he knew it was going to be this hard he would have left the bitch on the street... no, he wouldn't have. He wasn't that cold-hearted. But if he knew she would have been difficult maybe he would have done something different. Levi didn't know what he was doing he had never raised a teenager and to top it off a wild one.

It was like someone was purposely sending challenges he was just to see how he'd handle it. So far he handled everything well.

"Why? Just why?" Levi asked quietly. (y/n) was expecting shouting, tossing, and maybe a few hits here and there but nope Levi was calm and quiet and just so well collected. He didn't seem angry just... disappointed and sad.

(y/n) looked up to Levi and she didn't want him looking down on her she wanted to be his equal or at least enough to stand by his side. But then again (y/n) was also still a child so childish things were bound to happen. She was bound to stray from Levi path every once and a while.

"I... I just wanted to hang with friends have fun. It's rare to have fun down here. It's as rare as sunlight down here. I... I'm sorry but I want to have fun."

"It's not that I don't want you to have fun," Levi said "it's okay I'm okay with you having fun, safe fun. I'm not okay with you breaking my rules. If you've forgotten we're in the underground. Every corner you turn there's a danger not fun. After dark, there's no fun there creeps, thieves, and perverts. Worse case scenario you'll get kidnapped and sold on the black market end up in a nobles bed as a sex slave, or raped and left for dead in a back alley, or just dead.... your beautiful death would be fortunate in any case down here.

I don't want you to die but if you don't follow the rules it looks like that's what's going to happen. But that's up to you life or death. I'm not going to scold you you're 16, far too old for a scolding. You want to die, die... you want to live, live... I'm not stopping nor am I saving you."

Levi stood from his chair placing it in the corner of the room. He walked to (y/n)'s bed and pulled back the covers she took this sigh and climbed in bed letting Levi tuck her in.

"what if we were above ground, would things be different?" (y/n) asked as he tucked her blanket under her chin.

"yes and no" There'd still be thieves, perverts, and monsters up there... But there'd be light. There would be light to lead the way and that would be the biggest difference. Go to bed."

(y/n) watched Levi leave the room calmly.

"wait, am I still in trouble?" she asked. Levi walked back into her room and put a folded paper on her nightstand.

"Your chorus for tomorrow" Levi leaned down and kissed (y/n)'s forehead and whispered

"Get a good nights rest because I'm going to beat your ass in the morning"

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