chapter one

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   "well, max," mike began, leading his new 'friend' into the basement of his house. "now that you're in our party, there's someone you're gonna eventually meet. so, we'll just get it over with now." as they reach the bottom of the stair case leading down into this hangout room mike & his friends had made for themselves.
   max sees her friends sitting around a table playing dungeons and dragons, a game which she still didn't get the concept of.
   el- who she could tell wasn't very fond of her
   & mike.
   wait- mike? but mike is?? but he's? max looked back at mike, whose standing next to her. then, back at the other mike whose sitting at the table. except that mike, has glasses & sorta looks like he hasn't showered in quite some time.
   "theres...two of you" she began. "you have a-"
   "a twin brother, yes," mike cuts her off. "max, richie. richie, max." the boy who looks exactly like mike- richie, stands up. his resemblance to mike was uncanny, of course. the only differnce between those two boys was that richie wore large, box-like glasses that made his eyes look large. he stands up & walks over to mike & max, adjusting the glasses framing his face. he puts his hand out to shake her's
  "h-hi," he nervously stutters, grinning awkwardly at her & readjusting his glasses again.
   "um, hi," max shakes his hand smiling at his cute awkwardness. she sits down at the table in between will & lucas.
   "okay, you've met all my 'friends'." mike looks at his brother. "now leave."
  "can't i just stay with you guys? ." richie complains.
  "mOoom!" mike yells upstairs. "tell richie to leave me & my friends alONE."
   "richie, honey! leave them alone!" she calls to her other son.
   "fine," richie starts to walk walk up the stairs. he stops for a moment to look at mike & mouthes 'hot'. mike hits him.
   "okay, okay," he puts his hands up in defeat & continues to walk, "im going."
once richie leaves, max speaks up.
"why haven't i seen richie in school then?"
"because he doesn't go to the same school."
"how come?"
"he started a fire in the science lab & got expelled," lucas added.
"it was awesome!" will added excitedly.
"was not," mike shot a look at him.
"was too."
"so he's expelled?"
"yes, god," el rolled her eyes at Max. "what don't you get?" she said coldly. max ignored her, "so where does he go to school now?"
"some school south of hawkins," mike shrugs. "all his friends are delinquents."
"he seems cool to me," max shrugged.
mike turned to look at her sharply. "well, he shouldn't," he began. "don't talk to him, ever. understand?"
"it sounds like you're almost ashamed to have him as a brother." she raised an eyebrow at mike.
"yes! yes, max! i am ashamed! him & his fucking friends hangout in sewers, for fucks sake!"
"I CAN HEAR YOU!" richie called from upstairs.
"GOOD!" mike shouted back.
   "point is- if you wanna stay in our party, you wont talk to him. okay?"
max just nodded.

zoomer & the trashmouthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora