chapter six

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max slid two quarters into the DIG DUG machine.
"zoomer," richie leaned his arm against the side of the machine.
"trashmouth," she tipped her head towards him & grinned. richie put on a sarcastic, cocky voice & spoke;
"whad'ya say we get outta here, yanno? just the two-ah us??" max laughed & shook her head.
"i already put the coins in the machine," she shrugged.
"aw, forgetta-bout those coins," he pulled on her arm & began to lead her towards the door of the arcade.
"alright, but you owe me fifty cents."
"eh, we'll see about that."

"where the fuck are you taking me me?" max laughed as she stumbled through a dirt path, following richie by the arm. the sun began beating down on the two of them as she became tired of walking.
"almost there," he let go of her arm & turned to face her, opening her arms as if he was showcasing the greatest, most extravagant thing in the entire galaxy. max just saw rocks.
max scrunched her eyebrows, "what am i looking at? i see nothing interesting."
richie lowered his arms & sighed
"come closer," max began to walk towards him.
  "...and look down." he held onto her arm as she looked down. what she saw did surprise her.
about 15 feet below where they stood, there was a large body of water."
max looked at him & raised her eyebrow, "are you gonna push me to my death?"
richie sighed, "stop asking so many questionssss," he whinned.
she laughed. "okay, okay, what's the real reason for dragging me out of the arcade then?"
he shrugged. "wanna jump?"

the two stood at the edge in their underwear.
"okay," richie began, "we go together on the count of three?"
max nodded.
"alright. 1.."
"3..." they both yelled as the ran to the end of the mountain & jumped off.
except max didn't jump just yet.
she stood on the end & watched him land in the water with a splash.
richie surfaced from the water. "what the fuck, max!??"
max waved & giggled, "hii richieee." he flipped her off from the water & she blew a kiss back to him in return.
  thank god she's 15 feet above me. she could've seen him blushing.
"you gonna jump or what?"
max moved her hair behind her shoulders as she backed up a bit, before running & jumping off the side of the mountain, landing near richie.
she surfaced from the water & was immediately splashed in the face.
"that's for leaving me hanging," richie laughed as she slpashed him back.
"you bitch!" she gasped.
he splashed her back.
"takes one to know one," he raised his eyebrow at her.
she splashed him.
"oh yea, real original," she said sarcastically. "good one."
"hey, i don't like your tone, ma'am,"
"oh yea?"
"what are you gonna do about it?" neither of them noticed how they got closer each time they spoke. the two were nearly inches apart by the time either of them noticed. richie was about to readjust the glasses on his face- something he does when he doesn't know what to do. except, he remembered, they weren't on his face. max blushed & looked down, going underwater to hide it.
she felt richie tug on her arm.
when she resurfaced she was caught off guard by him. he put his hands on her waist & kissed her.
  she moved her hands to the sides of his head, running her fingers through his damp hair.
   their feet barely touched the ground as they were treading water, holding onto eachother.
  max interrupted their moment & pulled away
  she smiled, "you still owe me two quarters."

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