chapter thirteen

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"dude! thats not allowed!" lucas threw down his game peice.
max sat in the wheeler's basement playing D&D with will, lucas, dustin & mike. el sat next to mike, watching them play.
"wait- what just happened?" max furrowed her eyebrows. "i dont understand this game & i don't like it."
will laughed, "you'll get the hang of it, max."
"yea," mike laughed. "but until then you still suck."
max pretend to be hurt.
"uhm? OKAY. guess i need to practice,"
multiple footsteps were heard from upstairs. max heard voices talking upstairs & rummaging through the cabinets in the wheeler's kitchen.
"shit," mike whispered sharply.
"is that?-"
the basement door slammed
everyone at the table turned their attention to the door.
richie tried to smoothly jump on the railing of the stairs & slide, yet instead he failed & landed on the second to last step, tripping & walking down the rest. his friends followed behind him, carrying most of the snacks that once resided in the pantry of the wheeler's house.
max looked down at her lap & chuckled.
"no!" mike stood up. "get out!"
richie laughed & put his arms out. "mom said me & my friends could hangout down here, too."
"my friends & i."
"eat my dick."
richie laughed & looked over at max. "hey, max." he nodded his head. "looking good as always, i see." max felt her cheeks get hot.
"shut up, dick wad. shes not interested."
max looked over & saw el staring daggers at her.
"stay on the other side, then"
"dont worry, we'll leave you & your nerd party alone," richie walked away & max eyes followed him.

throughout the night, max sat with eleven & the other boys playing dungeons & dragons. she heard richie & his friends every now & then break out into laughter. she wanted to badly to be over there, with them.
with him.
max looked over there. she made eye contact with richie.
he nodded his head & grinned at her.
she grinned back & looked away.
she didn't need to check, she already knew el was staring at her.
mike read from the book as will, dustin, lucas & max decided what to do for a next move.
"max," she looked up at will. "you still playing?"
"uh, yea." she sighed & tuned back into the game, ignoring the fun coming from the other side of the basement.

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