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It's one of the rare summers when it's unusually hot. You had recently moved from the city to the countryside when your parents thought that it would be a better environment for your sickly younger sister.

So, you all moved into grandparents' home.

It's not like it's your first time living there; your other relatives live in the same area and you practically stayed in the countryside in most of your childhood years. You and your family would come home during your holiday breaks and you'd play with your cousins and kids around your age.

It's just in the recent years when your family couldn't come home because it started to get busy for your parents.

You finished moving all the boxes that belonged to you, into your new room, when your mother knocked. "[Name]?"

"Yeah?" You turn to the door where your mother was standing and carrying a paper bag.

"This just arrived from your aunt. It's your uniform." She handed to you the bag containing your uniform and you looked inside. "I still find it kind of weird that I'll start school once summer break ends." You said wryly.

Your mother merely smiled, "Well we had no choice. Anyway, come down okay? We still have a few more things to unload."



heh... gonna start the year with another ryo multichap fic

how long will this be? Idk

this also uses the night parade of a hundred demons setting of tsukipro
speaking of that, if youre in japan, there are buses going around where you can listen to drama clips with this setting hehe

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