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"You're leaving soon, huh?" Ryo asks quietly. You nodded as you tried not to look at him. "And your boyfriend?"

"We'll be leaving for Tokyo together." you told him.

"Hm... I see. At least you've got someone to look after you." He joked

You scoffed, "I lived there, Ryo-kun. I'm pretty confident with the city."

Ryo chuckled, "Sure you are."

Your smile soon turned into a frown, remembering your worries from the past few days, "Ryo-kun... I..."

"It's fine." He says as he looks at you with a wistful smile, "It's fine, [Name]." He repeats softly as he brings his hand to caress your cheek.

He knew this time would come, and for some reason... Having to send you away felt more painful than it was when you disappeared all of a sudden a few years back. But, it's something that he had come to accept, "I'm just grateful that I got to see you again after all these years." He says as he tried to smile and not to choke on his own words and cry.

You shook your head, after the day you had visited Ryo after graduation, you had tried to think of what to tell him, that would reassure him that what had happened in the past, wouldn't happen again. "I won't... It won't be like last time! I'll remember you, Ryo! I really won't forget! I promise!"

Ryo sighs as he brings his hand down to the side, "Don't make promises you're not sure you'll keep, [Name]." He says sternly, making you flinch and look down.

Silence enveloped between the two of you, as Ryo lookec up at the sky and recounted the days you would come over the past months despite being busy with your family and your relationship with your partner. He lets out a shaky breath and curses in his head at this unfair life he has, that he couldn't be with you, no matter how much he wanted. I knew this would happen... yet... he remembers when you first came a few months back, and regrets now, for forgiving you and letting you be in his life again. This is my own karma, I guess. he thinks to himself bitterly.

He looks at you, looking down at your feet, and judging from your shaking shoulders, you were trying not to cry. "[Name]." he calls your name softly as he lifts your chin up with his fingers.

He frowns at the tears that were about to form, before leaning in to kiss you. Surprised, your eyes widened and just as you realized what he was doing, he pulled away. You blinked away your tears as you saw Ryo, smirking at you, "Now, you won't forget me."

Still in shock, you felt him wrap his arms around you and whisper into your ear, "Thank you... for everything."

memoir [sakuraba ryota]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon