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"Cold!" Ken jumps out of the river and transforms into dog form and shakes off the water. 

Ryo sighs as he watches his friend shake off the water, "Obviously... It's winter." He says as Ken finishes drying himself off. "I told you that you shouldn't had jumped into the river like that."

Ken lets out a small chuckle as he watches his friend let out another sigh. "Oh yeah... How are you and [Name]?"

"Huh? Oh. She came by around... a few weeks ago, I think." He said nonchalantly, as he moved to sit down beside Ken in a tucked position. 

"Oh?" Ken says, rather excitedly as Ryo raised an eyebrow at the wagging tail of the inugami. "What she say?"

I won't forget about you! I promise!

He scoffed and stares at the river with a wry smile on his face, "She won't forget me, she said." He lets out a bitter laugh, "I told her to get a boyfriend, so that I could easily accept if ever she had forgotten me; so that I can move on and forget about her." He says quietly, as he pressed his face against his knees. 

Ken frowns, "Ryo..."

"I'm an idiot, huh Ken?" Ryo says with another bitter laugh as he raises his head and looks his friend.

Ken transforms back into his human-like form and pats his friend's back, "Well, I don't know about that." He says with a chuckle, "Hey. Don't think too much about it. The fact that she still visited means that she cares and still thinks about you."

Ryo slowly smiles at his friend's words, "Yeah... Thanks."


"I wonder if he'd like this..." you muttered as you looked from your wrapped present to the river in front of you. 

"Who'd like what?"

You squealed in surprise and slightly jumped to the side, to see Ryo right beside you, "Ryo!?"

Ryo rubbed the inside of his ear as he irritatedly looks at you, "What the hell... What was that for?"

You pouted, "Well, it was your fault for surprising me."

"Well I didn't intend to." He says with a small sigh. He then notices the wrapped present in your hands, "That is..." he trails off as he points at it.

"Oh! It's a present!" You say as you held it before him.

"For your boyfriend?" He asks, trying not to sound bitter.

You shook your head before gently shoving the present into Ryo's hands. "It's for you!" You say with a grin.

He gawked at the present and then to you, "For me? Why?"

"It's almost Christmas and well... While I was buying some gifts, I thought of you so..." you said trailed off as you sheepishly scratched the back of your head. "Well, I don't know if you'd like it, but I hope it's still okay." You sheepishly grin with a tint of blush on your cheeks. 

"Anyway, I have to get going." You say as you start to jog back home; you looked back and waved, "See ya, Ryo-kun!" 

He stares at your retreating form before looking down at the present in his hands. Carefully unwrapping the wrapper, he was surprised to see a beautiful misty rose-pink scarf.

Quietly wrapping the scarf around his neck, he brought his face and hid his blushing cheeks with it, "Dammit."

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