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Ryo sighs as he sits on a rock, staring at the river he's been staying in since a long time ago. "Why the long face, Ryo?"

The silver haired yokai looked behind him to see the blue haired inugami. "Oh! Are those...?" He took a quick sniff when he saw a box of creampuffs on Ryo's lap, "I thought I smelled something sweet! Where'd you get those?"

"From her..."

"Her? Ah! She remembers you?" He asks as he walks over to him.

"Not my name though."

"I see..." he looks at the box and asked, "So... are you gonna eat those?" Ken receives no reply as he sees his friend simply staring at the distance. "Ryo~" when there was no reaction from the water fairy, a mischievous smirk appeared on his face as he slowly tried to get the box from Ryo's lap. Just as he was about to hold it, Ryo slapped his hands(paws) away.

"Ah! Hey!" Ken retracted his hands as he pouted, "They're going to be a waste if you don't eat it!"

"I will eat it!"

"Then why aren't you eating it yet?"

Ryo flinched before he went back to ignoring his friend. Noticing this, Ken let out a sigh and said, "I don't get it... Do you want her to remember you or what?"

Ryo lets out a sigh and looks at the box, "I want her to... but at the same time..."

"You think that everything will just repeat itself... huh?" Ken says, finishing his friend's thoughts.

Ryo nods. Ken smiles as he gives a supportive pat on Ryo's back, "Hey, whatever happens. If she's making an effort now to befriend you again, let her. There's nothing to lose. Maybe in the future, but that's what you'll get for befriending a human."

"I know..." Ryo says quietly. He knows the consequences of befriending someone with a limited lifespan, yet... he still wants to be with you just as he had before. 

"Here." Ryo opens the box and offers a creampuff to Ken.


Ryo nods, "Thanks alot, Ken."

Ken almost chokes from the sudden express of gratitude Ryo conveyed, but grins at his friend, "No problem!"


You quickly run towards the river; you were helping your grandmother clean their house when you encountered a box filled with things that you had left with them as a child. One of it was a (cringe-worthy) drawing of what looked to be you and close to resembling the water fairy. 

You didn't label your names but you somehow remembered his name just by looking at the drawing.

As you reached the riverbend, you took a deep breath before shouting, "Ryota-kun!"

The water fairy and the inugami, both heard the name and was surprised by it. "What is that girl thinking?! Suddenly yelling my name like that?" He cried out in embarassment as he covers his flustered face with his hands when he felt Ken snickering at your confidence.

Ken nudges Ryo's shoulder and said, "Can't keep her waiting, right Ryo? If you don't come out soon, she'll probably keep shouting your name." 

Ryo sighs as he starts walking to where you were, "I know, I know."

Ken chuckles before transforming to a dog and proceeded to follow the water fairy.

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