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Ryo raises an eyebrow in confusion when he sees you sit by the river, staring at the water. He was told by Ken that he saw you going towards the river and was wondering if you had called him yet. Curious why you were there, he went to check up on you.

He calls your name once, and when he sees that you were not responding, he moved to your side and crouched down. "Oiii. [Name]."

You visibly flinch, surprised as you were brought out of your thoughts. "O-Oh, Ryo-kun..."

Ryo looks at you with worry, "What's wrong?"

You blink once as you slowly move your head and stare at the river once more. "Just scared, I guess?" You say with a small smile.

"Scared?" Ryo voices out, slightly confused, as he moves to sit down properly.

"You see... I'm graduating soon and we have this entrance exams for university, you know." 

Ryo remembers such things of the human world and nods. "Are you worried about something?"

You nod as you weakly chuckle, "You see, he and I are planning to go to the same university. It's both of our dream universities..."

Ryo perks up when he heard you say, 'he'. Oh, her partner. Ryo thinks sadly. He urges you to continue, "And?"

You pout and play with your fingers, "I'm... not that smart? I mean, I'm pretty average. I pass my exams and all... But he's smart, you know! And I really want to go to the same university as he is!" You say rather frustratedly. "But I'm also kinda worried what would happen when we're there. Like, will we have time together and whatnot."

As you listed your worries, Ryo listens to you whilst, thinking that your worries were similar to his problems. He thinks it's ironic... That you were telling your worries despite you not knowing what he truly felt or had done to protect himself.

"Ryo-kun... Ryo-kun...!" You shake his shoulder, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Ah, sorry. What?"

You pout, "You weren't listening?"

He sheepishly smiles, "I was, I was." He softly smiles as he pats your head, "Don't worry too much about it. Just study for your exams and what happens in the future. Happens in the future." He slowly brings down his hand to his lap and smiles at you, "You like him, don't you?"

You slowly nod.

"Then it'll work out. He likes you, you like him. It'll work out."



Ryo sighs.

"You really are an idiot, Ryo."

Without hesitation, he responded, "Shut up, Ken."

"Telling her all that, regardless of your feelings." Ken sighs once more, "What are you thinking?"

Ryo chuckles lightly, surprising Ken. "Hearing her voice out her worries to me... She must really trust me, I thought." He smiles, rather contently, "I knew that even if I told her how I felt. It won't be the same as her partner's."

Ken was about to retort but Ryo explained, "her partner's a human, Ken. He can do things with her, that I can't do..." he smiles at Ken and says, "As long as she's happy. As long as he makes her happy. I'm fine continuing watching over her."

"Even when she'll have to go away again?"

Ryo nods.

Ken looks at his silver haired friend in surprise, but smiles nevertheless, "So, that's your answer, huh Ryo?"

Ryo nods, "Yeah."

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