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It's been a week since the encounter by the river and it was still bothering you. Of course you thought that you should forget about it, since he clearly didn't want you there, but you just can't help but think about it.

You sighed as you walked with your cousin to buy a cake for your aunt's birthday. You two went to the next town just to find some western sweets. "What's wrong?" Your cousin, Shiro, suddenly asks you.


"You've been sighing since we got in the train. I thought you didn't want to come." He said bluntly as he looked around for the shop. "So? What's on your mind?" He found the shop and gestured you to follow him.

You shrugged as you followed him into the shop and walked in, "Nothing."

He glanced at you, unconvinced. "You wouldn't be sighing that much if it was nothing." He turns back to the staff and told them the cake he plans to buy.

You glared at him, Damn perceptive.

Shiro sighs as he shrugs, "Nevermind. Don't tell me." He says as he gives the money to the staff. 


"If you don't want to tell me. Fine." He says casually as he hands you the box. "In return, you're carrying that."

You blankly stare at him as you register the box that you now held and him calling you over from the shop entrance. "Wait!"


You happily smile as you sat beside your cousin in the train. "Now you're happy?" Shiro asks, earning a nod from you.

On your lap, was a box containing eight pieces of cream puffs. You bought it at the same store where you two bought the cake. Shiro eyes the box on your lap and asks, "Are you going to eat that yourself?"

You shook your head, "Nope. Gonna give it away."

He raises an eyebrow in confusion, "To who?"

You merely grinned at him and made a peace sign, "Secret~"


When you parted ways with your cousin, you went back to the forest with the box of cream puffs. You remembered that the yokai liked the sweets you often brought as a child, and cream puffs was one of the many that you had brought.

You don't remember everything, only tidbits from random dreams that you had gotten the past nights, but you remembered that he liked them. You wanted to talk to him more and apologize for forgetting him, so you brought it as a piece offering.

As you arrived at the area, you called out, "Hey! Is anyone here?!"

When you received no reply or sign, you continued to call out for him. 

"Ah! You're so noisy!" You turned your head to see the same yokai who had told you to leave a week ago. 

You stare at him, lost of words. Suddenly feeling shy and scared if he would forgive you and accept your offering.

"What are you doing here, human?" He said with a small sigh. 

"Ah! Uhm... I..." you held out the box of cream puffs and bowed, "I'm sorry!"

Ryo stares at the box and to you, "Huh?"

"Uhm..." you slowly straighten up and tried to look anywhere but him, "I'm sorry if I had forgotten you... somehow... or getting scared the other day... I..." you opened the box to reveal the sweet pastries, surprising Ryo.

"I brought these as an apology..." you bowed once more, "I'm really sorry!"

Silence covered the area as you were still bowing and staring in intently at the ground, until you hear him sigh. "Lift your head up."

You slowly straightened up and was surprised to see him directly in front of you. He quietly takes the box from your hands and tells you, "I accept this offering."

You gleefully smile at him, "Really?!"

Ryo steps back when you suddenly went near his face, "Y-Yeah..."

"Then... Does that mean that you forgive me?!"



He sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose, "I'll forgive you when I feel like it."

"What?! What's that supposed to mean?"

"As I have said it." He says one last time as he turns his back on you and starts to walk away.

"Ah! Hey!" You shout, about to follow him.

Ryo stops walking and turns his head to look at you, "Name..."


"Remember my name and I'll forgive you. Until then, don't bother coming back here." And then he disappears into the forest.

You stare at the forest he disappeared to and smiled, "At least he took the box." You look up to stare at the sky, "His name... huh?"


i mean... it isnt ryo if he aint tsun, right?

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