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I yawned as I dragged myself out of bed. I changed my clothes then stumbling down the stairs. When I went to the living room, the place was so clean!!

I cross my arms "Maybe he isn't so bad..."

I look behind me to see Archer standing near the doorway carrying a tray of tea in his hands.

"Good morning Rin..." he says setting the tea set on the table.

I sit down on the couch as he pours the tea into one of the cups. "Where will be going today?"

I take a sip "To school of course"
Archer flinches "Then I will follow you..."

I shake my head and stand up "You can't follow me!! People will be suspicious if a grandpa follows me to school!!"

"Time has no affect on me, JUST BECAUSE I HAVE WHITE HAIR DOESN'T MAKE ME OLD!!" He yells at me.

I sighed packing my bag "You're a servant Archer, people will be suspicious.... plus it's not like you can make yourself invisibl-" my words stopped when I didn't see Archer behind me.

"Servants can turn into their spirit form, making them be invisible in human's eyes." Archer's voice echoes in my head.

I put a hand and on my hip "Fine, you can come!! J-Just don't make a scene okay!!" I said looking around the room, trying to figure out where he is.

Archer chuckles changing to his materialized form behind me as he scares me by patting me on my shoulder, whispering in my ear "I'll try my best not to bother you.."

"Have you ever thought that school was never the best option for a master?"

I sighed "I told you already, school is completely safe there are way too many witnesses, nobody would ever try to attack us, without drawing attention..." As I walked to school.

It felt kind of awkward to talk to Archer, since other people would think I would be talking to myself. When we reach the school gates, Archer says.

"Have you ever suspected that the people in your school is a master?"

"That's impossi-"

I gasp as the sound of heartbeats roars into my ear, I clutch my chest.

"Rin!! What's wrong?"

I breathe in and out, trying to relax myself. That feeling, another master!! How's that possible?

I sighed "It's nothing..."
Archer stays quiet.

Once I calmed myself down I walk to the gates of school, when I'm interrupted by an annoying sound.

"Heyyyyy~ Tohsaka!!"

I groan, not him again!!
"Uhh... who's this guy?" Archer says.

"An annoying rat..." I mumbled under my breath, as I turned around to see Shinji.
"I see..."

"Hmm? What was that?" Shinji said, opening one eye. "No need to be so shy around me!!"

"God, he's disgusting" Archer says, I almost laugh in his words.

I fold my arms "Tch.... When will you ever leave me alone?"
Shinji laughs. "You should be honored that I don't!!"
I sighed "I told you, to leave me alone!! Your presence annoys me, Stop bothering me!!"

I turned my back at him, walking to the gates of school.

"Wha- Hey!!" Shinji said putting a hand on my arm.

I frown from his touch in disgust, as I wave him off from his grip "Let me go!!"

Surprisingly when I shoved him, he went flying back onto the ground 30 feet away. Was I.. always that strong?

Everybody looked at me
"Oh my god!!"
"Did you see that!! It's like the air just, pushed him away..."

I sighed as I turned around once again "Archer.... we're you the one who shoved him?" I mumbled under my breath.

I hear him chuckle
"I simply pushed him away, when you were in danger....." Archer says.

I smile "Thank you..."

"I knew it...." I said, putting my hand on the seal.

"A barrier I suppose?" Archer said, still in spirit form however, it felt as if he was right next to me.

I nod "Must be from the master I sensed earlier... if this barrier comes off then this whole school will be good as dead"

"Who do you think it is?"
I sighed, putting a hand on my hips "I don't know...."

"Well hello there little lady"
I flinch, as I quickly turned around to see a blue spearmen on top of the building.

"Rin, you have to go he's a servant...."

I look around me, gate, gate oh look another gate!! I was completely walled in, if I took the stairs he'd definitely catch me...

"By your spear, I'm guessing you're a lancer..."
Lancer spins his spear "Correct!! And with your invisible friend over there, I'm guessing you're a master..."

I gasp
"Rin.... you have to run!!"

"That's too bad, you were pretty. It'd be a shame to kill you, but don't try escaping, you're surrounded" He says putting on an evil smirk.

I smile back "Not quite!!" I run to the fence and jumped. "ARCHER!!"

Do you trust Archer?
□ Nope
□ No

Days of Red (Archer x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now