Hell no

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"....Is you."
He whispered our faces a couple of centimeter apart, so close I could feel his breath on my skin. And this was a perfect time to,

I smash my head against his, headbutting him, making his back arch in pain clutching his forhead. "What!! What the hell!?"

My head started to sear in pain as well, but there was no way in hell I was going to let him do that. "Did you really think I was going to sit here and let you rape me?! I'm not some defenseless little girl, I'm Rin Tohsaka a mage!"

Shinji clutches his head, that was bleeding from the side. "You little!! I will get you after I clean up this mess. Don't you dare try to escape!"

And after that he left the room leaving me all alone. I rolled my eyes, did he really think I wouldn't try to escape with only me alone. What an idiot..

I pulled out a couple of my gems from the pocket of my skirt. It was good thing I always kept them with me. However, using the powers inside them would blow up my hands for sure. I should use the edges to cut the rope.

Shinji was stupid, why would use something as pathetic as ropes. Couldn't he have used something stronger instead. Not that I was complaining, his stupidity granted my escape.

And soon my arms were freed, I was about to free my legs as well but I heard Shinji's footsteps clicking down the hallway. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath, latching my arms behind my back. I needed to pretend to be tied so he wouldn't tighten my bond.

"Now where were we Tohsaka~" his face getting near mine. My eyebrows knit together in disgust, god did he even brush his teeth, yuck.

"Well, I don't know where you guys started at." A new voice entered the room it sounded deep. The sound was coming from a shadow in the corner of the room. Archer? No he never had a spear.

The man stepped out of the shadows, to reveal a man with blue hair and red eyes wearing armor that matched his hair and spinning a lance that was the color of his eyes. "But I can tell you where it's gonna end."

It was the Lancer from the other night!! What was he doing here?!

"What the hell? What is a servant doing here?!" Shinji yells taking a step back. 

Lancer looked at me his red eyes scanning me up and down. "So you must be Rin my master was talking about." Then looked at Shinji in disgust "And you must be Shinji? My master described as pathetic and creepy." Spinning his lance casually. "You seem to fit the description pretty well."

Shinji smirks, "You think! You're the only servant here!! Rider!!" He called for his servant, but didn't appear. "Rider?"


"I'm gonna guess that's your little Archer, Little lady?" Lancer says when I turn around to face him, he winks at me.

Archer came to get me? I ignored my foolish self, of course he came to get me I'm his master!

"They'll be keeping rider busy.." he says walking over to Shinji who looks scared walking backwards in fear. "So that just leaves you and me!" He grins mischievously at Shinji.

Lancer punches him in the face, making Shinji scream in pain. And such a weak attack already made him run away. Lancer rolls his eyes, "Coward.." then returns his attention to me.

I didn't know what his intentions were, but I had a couple of my gems behind my back just in case. "What do you want?!"

Lancer shrugs, planting his spear to the ground. "As much as I'd like to see you in that pose, master ordered me to complete my task." He lifts up his spear aiming at me.

I don't flinch at all, only a brave face masking my fear. The blade smiles at me. Is he go going to kill me? That wouldn't make any sense, why would he chase off Shinji then.

Before I could think anymore the spear cut through me. When i said through me I meant the rope around my legs. "You freed me?" I asked, suspicious, what was his master's motive.

Lancer leans on his spear. "Yeah, master told me about your situation and asked me to help." Watching me get off the chair.

"Who is your master?" I asked staring into his red eyes.

He smirked, "Sorry little lady, but I can't tell you that. Master told me to not reveal his identity to anyone." Lancer leans down towards me. "However, I am quite interested in you. The head of Tohsakas, is a fierce little girl? That's a first."

I stare at him, a stern look on my face. "Is that really so strange? I am just a mage like anyone else, like my father and the one's before me."

Lancer smiles, "What's strange is that, I'm a servant capable of killing you at any second from now. And you aren't even scared barely a flinch out of you." He leans into my ear and whispers. "Tell me what are you?"


The sound of an arrow flying reaches my ears. Lancer jumps back dodging the air that could've hit him through the head.

"Not too close, Lancer." A stern voice says, I looked to the shooter to see archer standing there with a bow in his hands another arrow already notched on, ready to fire.

I stand in front of him, "Archer it's fine, Lancer freed me."

Archer's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Looking at Lancer who waved at him, "This mutt freed you?"

"Who you calling a mutt, Grandpa? I just saved your master! You should be thanking me!!" Lancer yells at him, puffing his cheeks.

Archer ignored the comment, "Enough, you tried to kill my master back at the school! Why save her now!"

Lancer shrugs, "Master orders me to do weird things, I guess." He looked down, putting a hand to his head. "Speaking of which my Master's calling me now."

Lancer smiles as he looks at me, "Sorry to cut this meeting short but I hope we'll meet again little lady~" he disappears right before Archer's arrows flies at him. Landing into a wall instead.

"The guy's weird."
"Creepy to be exact, Master.."

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