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Author's Note:
Archer's P.O.V. are bolded words
Rin's P.O.V. are regular words

When Rin jumped, I couldn't tell if she was either the most insane girl ever or the most stupid girl ever!! PROBABLY BOTH!!

I cursed under my breath, rushing to her side as I change into my materialized form.

I lept out of the fence and dove out to grab Rin, catching her small, warm body into my arms.

I can feel her heart beat quickly against my chest. I pull her closer, "That was very reckless of you Rin..."

She looks up at me, and by her eyes I could tell she was scared out of her life, but she puts an encouraging smile on anyways "Yah!! But it ended well didn't it!!"

I snort in response, as I set her down.
Lancer's spear!!

I turn to spirit form just in time to push Rin out of the way.

Lancer smirks "You're just going to leave your lady, invisible guy?"

I brought both my swords out, one black on white, both showing the yin and the yang symbol in the middle, as I turned back to materialized form, behind Lancer.

He turns around "Swords? That's odd of you, I thought Archers use bows...."

I smile "I can wield both just as well.." I said before disappearing.

I watch in awe as their blades crashed against each other. So this is what a fight between two servants look like.

"Wow..." Somone gasps, it almost sounds like a whisper but it was loud enough for me to hear it. The two stopped, it seemed as if they heard the voice too.

"Damn..." Lancer says going after him.

Archer sighs "Now since that's settled..." he says putting away his swords.

I sighed, I can't allow anyone to die from this!! "Archer!! Go follow Lancer and make sure the witness is unharmed!!"

Archer looks at me "You're kidding right!! The rules-"

I put out my wrist with the command seals "I am very fond with the rules, and I hope you're fond with the fact that I'm your master!! I don't need to use a command seal to order you right!!"

Archer hesitates before sighing "Not at all master..." he says before disappearing into his spirit form.

I quickly run to the direction of Lancer to the school where hopefully the student was still alive.

I grit my teeth, I won't have anybody dying in this grail war!!

I ran up the stairs to the 5th floor, as I gasp for breath. How many floors does this school have!!

I could already see Archer standing there. "Oh you're here..." he steps back revealing the bloody body.

I don't say a word, this hasn't been the first time I've seen a dead body. "Archer, go after Lancer..... find his master..."

He hesitates, but goes away anyways.

I sigh sadly as I sit next to the dead body. "All I can do now... is sit next to you.. at your final brea-"

I gasp when I see his face, under the bloody mess was his orangish red hair, his eyes closed shut. My hands tremble "W-Why... out of all people.. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE YOU!!"

The dead I was yelling at was Shirou Emiya, also known as.... the only friend of Sakura.

My sister.

I tear up a bit, feeling my eyes starting to water. "She doesn't have anyone else!! Except you!! You can't just leave her!!"

Or maybe...
I took out my necklace from my pocket. It gleamed ruby red as the cold chain laid on my hand. I sighed sadly, I've been storing so much mana in this too... I shake my head, if it's for Sakura. I'm willing to sacrifice it.

I breathe out "For Sakura..."

I sighed sadly as I lay down on the couch. I put my hands over my face, "I can't believe I did that!! What was I thinking!! Breaking one of the many rules of the holy grail!!"

However, I still couldn't allow Sakura to be alone. Emiya is the only one she has, and Shinji was never the best brother.

Then something red caught my eye, I looked up to see my necklace dangling in front of me.

I sit up to see Archer behind me holding my ruby necklace.

"You.. went back to get it... for me?" I said taking the red jewelry.

Archer crosses his arms "Next time, don't loose it. After all, it only suites you best."

My cheeks, but I turned around to cover my flushed face. "N-Nonsense... anyways!! Uh- Did you find Lancer's master?"

He looks at me a bit suprised on my flustered face, but puts on a sly smile. "No, Lancer has always been a class to be the first to dash. So I'm afraid I couldn't track him down to his owner.."

I put my feet on the floor as I groan tilting my head back "Great, we didn't get anything from this mess..."

I look down at my necklace "I still can't believe I saved him..." the words slip out of my mouth and into Archer's ears. And I immediately regretted it.

"You what!!" He yells "This goes against the holy grail war rules!! Outsiders who have seen the battles must be silenced..."

I hesitate before saying "I know!! It's just..."

Archer sighs, "I understand your kindness, but I'll accept your actions because you are my master." He raises one of his sliver eyebrows at me. "However, don't you think Lancer will find out that the man you saved is still alive."

I jump up.
"You're right!!"
"Of course I am..."

I turn around to look at Archer.
"Archer, I order you to take me to the Emiya household and protect Shirou no matter the cost!!"

He sighs, but puts on a smile anyways "As you wish master...."

Days of Red (Archer x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now