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Archer looks over to me, crossing his arms. He scanned me, I can feel his eyes running down my body. I scold at him, "W-What is it?"

"Tch, how did you even get kidnap? It's like I leave for a second and you disappear." Archer says smirking, shaking his head sacastically.

My fingers curled into a fist as I start to get angry. This wasn't the first reaction I wanted when I finally escaped from Shinji. Well, we were still in Shinji's warehouse but I was free him his bonds. "Why you!"

"Tohsaka!!" I can hear footsteps tap on the floor after the call of my name. And when I turn around I see Shirou running up to me, and embracing me in his arms.

I was first tense, caught in such a suprise, nobody has ever hugged me this way in a long time. "Thank God, you're okay!" Shirou says and the words make me melt into his arms, I could feel my face glowing with heat and my heart beating fast.

He quickly releases me when Shirou finds out what he was doing. "I-I uh," he coughs. "I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to!! uh!! I'm just really glad you're safe!!" Shirou smiles at me.

My face flushes, when I hear Archer laugh a little in the background. I turn back and give him a dark look only for him to shoot me a mischievous smirk.

I clear my throat, "Let's just keep our relationship professional! Remember that we are still in a Holy grail war." I put a hand to my hip.

Shirou smiles nervously, scratching the back of his neck "Righttt. Sorry about that!!"


An explosion rang through Shinji's warehouse and Shirou gasps at the sound. "That must be Saber, she's in the middle of fighting Rider!"

I look at the direction of the sound. "Archer, get ready we're going to help Saber!" I said, my fist all ready with gems.

Archer and Shirou say. "WHAT?!" They look at each other, both suprised from their perfect sync.

Archer groans, "You can't go! Shinji will try to kidnap you!! I need to get you home now!" He yells wrapping his hand around my arm.

I scold at him. "Let go of me Archer!"

Shirou sighs, "He's right... Tohsaka.." he puts both his hands on my shoulders. "We won't let him to take you away again! We just want you to be safe..." he says softly.

A blush spreads across my cheeks. "I-I..." I was so overwhelmed by his caring words I was stuttering not able to say any more words.

Then abruptly Archers arms swept me off my feet. "Archer?!!?" I yelled suprised from his sudden action, a flush appearing from my face

"Stop blushing like a little highschool girl you're a master for grail sake!" Archer says, his face near mine.

My breath grew unsteady. "Put me down Archer!! That's an order!!" I pound my fists against his chest.

Archer grunts as he rolls his eyes in annoyance. "We're going home, Rin." Then takes off into the air, taking me away from Shirou.

My breath grew short from the sudden rush of air as my fingers tightened around the fabric of his shirt.

When we get to the manor, Run releases her tight grip on me and runs into the house. I sighed, why are teenage girls so confusing?!

I walked inside, "Rin!" I yelled as I heard footsteps run up the stairs and a door shut. Must be her room.

I opened the door to her room and saw her curled up in her bed, hugging her pillow to her chest. "You disobeyed me Archer.." her voice muffling under the pillow.

I lean against the wall next to her bed. "It was the right thing to do it was for your safety..." I said crossing my arms.

Rin scolds at me, "Don't tell me what's right! We should've stayed and helped Shirou!!"

The curve of my lip widened into a little smirk. "Shirou huh? All this talk about him. Gives me a feeling that you like him.."

Rin gasps her cheeks turning red. "W-What!? Him?! You're j-joking!! I would never!!"

I walked over sitting on the foot of her bed, "Really? When he told you to go away. You seemed to be under his spell." I chuckled.

Rin's face turns red as she grabs her pillow. "Why you!!" Throwing the pillow at me.

I catched it with my left hand and gave her a serious look. "Listen," I leaned closer to Rin making her edge farther away. "Love him or not, he is your enemy. So don't get so friendly around him..."

"Got it?" I say and I wondered how did we get so close to each other. I could feel her breath and see the color of her blush.

I coughed, withdrawing from our state, moving farther away from her. "Just remember what I told you and you'll be fine.." I say before disappearing.

Days of Red (Archer x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now