Dinner At Kim's

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*We spent the day picking and choosing the perfect outfit for Kylie and finally got home for dinner at Kim's*

Whilst the Kardashian / Jenners enjoyed their family meal together Kelsey had her alone time because they were filming for KUWTK and she couldn't get in the shot. So she got into Kim's bed, got cosy and went on her phone. Social media was a little different for her, she never showed her face, wasn't verified on anything and could not reveal her second name: Jenner. She opened up google and typed Kylie and Kendall Jenner to see the latest rumours and stories about them. Her heart dropped to the ground.

Me (Kelsey) : WHAT?! How could this happen? We looked nothing alike in that picture! Besides, they got my bad angle! (getting frustrated and pulls hair furiously) Why does this have to happen to me?! (Becoming angry)

The latest story on Kendall and Kylie was actually dedicated to their so called bodyguard. Kelsey. The article said many things like she was possibly a relative or maybe even... 'The long lost Kardashian/Jenner'... which wasn't exactly far from the truth. Kelsey was furious! They even attached a photo of her protecting the two Jenner sisters from blinding flashes and endless autograph requests... 

Me (Kelsey) : (I sat there for a few minutes as what had happened sunk in) This is not happening right now. No way. I MUST get rid of it before anyone sees it – especially Kris and my sisters! Otherwise, I'm dead salad! Yes, salad. (Covering myself with the blankets as if it would solve my problems)

Kris: Everything ok, honey? I bought you some salad, your favourite kind! (She approached Kim's room where I was now hiding)

Me (Kelsey): Uh, no! You can't come in right now! I'm doing something Mom... you can leave it in the fridge, I'll eat it later...

Kris: What are you doing, sweetie? (Trying to open the door with one hand and holding the salad in the other)

Me (Kelsey) : Umm, nothing! I'll be downstairs in half an hour! (trying to sound promising)

Kris: Sure, Kelsey – just make sure you're here during family time; when we look at all the crazy news articles about ourselves and laugh at each other! I'll get you a chair so you can still be there without being on camera! (heading back downstairs)

Me (Kelsey) : Sounds great! I'll be there, thanks. (attempting to be excited) 

What will Kelsey do now? She only looked up Kendall and Kylie and she had found herself featured in a news article all about herself! She is sure to be exposed and humiliated by this – how will she hide from the truth? There's no turning back now... 

If you've read up to here, thank you!! :)

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