Kelsey Eavesdrops...

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As Kelsey neared the living room she could hear all the commotion and fuss coming from her sisters and so, she wondered what it was about, causing her to get to the room faster (because it was a massive house and getting from room to room took at least two minutes!) She could just about make out what they were saying in there but she chose not to go inside and disturb them as the door was shut. Instead, she carefully and quietly leaned against the door listening in to her sisters' intriguing conversation... It went a little like this...

Kylie: (shouting) Kim could you at least be considerate for once! She is our sister too after all!

Kelsey assumed her favourite sister was referring to her, since she wasn't in the room.

Kim: Kylie!! Just listen to me for once! You never let me finish! In fact, none of you do! (throwing a tantrum)

Kourtney: Kylie, she does have a point, you know... (unfolding her crossed arms)

Kim: Yeah, yeah Kourt... Well I was talking to you too!

Khloé: (stopping Kourtney before she could defend herself so she could do it for her) Kim, everything doesn't really need to be about you! The world doesn't revolve around you and your big butt!

Kim: Excuse me, Khloé you have no right to be talking about my butt! We are all here to address the real situation! Besides, why are you doing this anyway. It's a family secret! Like, if you know how I feel, why would you say that? Like you put me in such an uncomfortable situation, like you know I'm not happy. You know I'm trying to see if it will work out here and I know that it's not! (sobbing)

*for anyone who is clueless about the last thing Kim just said, it's a meme people made out of something she said in KUWTK x😂😂*

Kendall: Woah, woah, woah! (putting her hands between everyone) Girls, let's stop it there for now... I guess we are all being a little rude right now... Maybe we should speak and take it turns, one by one!

Kourtney: Ok, good idea Ken! (nodding, trying to be Kendall's favourite at that point)

Kendall: Hmm... okay, so we are going to need an object and so whoever has it can speak, deal?

All the girls: Deal! (giving each other friendly smiles as they had made amends just like that)

Kendall: Ah! Perfect! (picking up a phone from the diamond-encrusted sofa) I think this is Kelsey's, she must've forgot it when she was getting her cushion from here... oh well! We'll hand it to her later. (shrugging)

This, of course is when you would expect Kelsey to burst through the door, to claim her phone; what she was here for in the first place. No. Instead, she stayed, she listened in... this conversation was definitely something to do with her, so, she decided that it was her concern – why wouldn't it be? Her name was mentioned and she should be allowed to listen to what is being spoken of about her. Had she opened the door, she would've left with her phone happily out the door but she took the other approach. The bad one. Mind you, Kelsey's phone was on silent with her brightness all the way down, so the sisters probably wouldn't realise she had received messages from them on the group chat or even know she was apart of it in the first place – except Kylie, who added her!

Anyway, continuing on with the conversation

Kendall: (throwing the phone to Kim, not worrying about its safety as it was equipped with the highest quality a phone case could offer) Kim, why don't you go first – you know – since you called the meeting and all... Now, what was that you were saying about Kelsey?

Kim: Thanks lovely! (smiling and gathering together what she would say) Well, basically, I was thinking about Kelsey and how she is new to all this fame...

Kelsey practically fit her ear inside the door... somehow... Well, the point is, Kelsey was listening very closely as her eyes grew larger in curiosity.

Kim: It's not that I'm jealous or anything... but.

Which totally meant she was.

Kim: Well, fine! (saying everything super quick) What I'm trying to say is that Kelsey is new to being famous and she acts like the centre-of-attention all the time and it can be a little annoying seeing as we are the... (slowing down, wording her sentences cautiously) how do you say it... The original Kardashian/Jenners...

Khloé: (beginning to agree) I see where you're coming from, Kimmie... I feel the same way about this. I don't think we should address the problem to her face though. Don't you think that's a little harsh?

Kylie: (grabbing the phone from her sister) Why do we have to be like this to Kelsey, isn't she trying to be one of us?

Kendall: (allowing Kylie to pass the phone over to her) I think I agree with Kylie here, guys... Kelsey looks up to us! We should be good role models!

*Kylie motioned a very passionate, silent nod expressing her agreement with Kendall, as if she was saying ''EXACTLY!''*

Kourtney: I understand what you two are saying, Ky and Ken, but I side with Khlo' and Kim... We can't always be too nice, that's not how life works! Maybe we could hint it to her, until she gets the message we are trying to get across; what we are trying to say to her!

Kelsey: (opening the door allowing herself into the room, dramatically) You don't need to say ANYTHING. (sobbing) If this is how you all feel... (unable to speak because of her snuffling and crying)

Kelsey had heard enough. Tears followed each other in the same path down her face, like a waterfall, blurring her vision and drenching her silk baby-pink crop top and soon her denim-frayed-hem skirt in her own, bitter tears. 

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