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It's 2018 now so why not? 😂😂

I have one question, do you guys play mobile legends? I'm quite addicted to it at this moment, well off topic.



Maybe it was the noise, or the shouts.

But this new felt different.

A small smile formed its way onto my face. It didn't just feel different it was different.

My eyes wandered off to the group.

"Oy Nana you baka! You're setting up the fireworks wrong!"

"Who are you calling a baka you baka!"

"Guys...stop it, aren't we all supposed to change for the better this year?"

"Serinuma-senpai is right! --Oy Mutsumi save some food for us!"



I laughed, even when it was already a few minutes until midnight they didn't change one bit.

But if they did change...
I hope they won't.

I'm fine with the way they are now.

Hopefully things would stay the same forever.

"Ayano-san! Are you okay?" Kae asked her tone laced with worry.

"Oy you baka, do you want to be sent to a mental asylum?" Nana asked as he crossed his arms. "You're just laughing by yourself over there."

I huffed.
"The one who's going to be sent to a mental asylum is you, Nana!"

"Then I'll bring you down with me!"

Before I could yell something back, someone stuffed a barbecue inside my mouth.

"It's best to eat in order for you to remain healthy." Mutsumi said with a small smile.

I was frozen to my spot. This was unexpected. "Ah."

"Oy Asuma you food hogger!" Nana shouted.

"I'm not hogging the food, see I even gave a barbecue to Ayano."

"But you've been consuming our food since earlier and it's not even midnight yet." Nishina pointed out.

I sighed and glanced at Shinomiya who was almost non-existent.
Not wanting to be involved in the newly formed food quarrel I headed towards Shinomiya.


"!" He was caught off guard. "S-Senpai? You're talking to me?"

"Who else would I be talking to you baka."

He stood silent.

"Shino, why don't you talk much?"

"I think I talk a lot senpai, it's just that you don't really approach  me and find time for me."

My eyes widened.
".. I-I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "It's okay senpai, It doesn't really bother me." Suddenly he nodded his head at the direction of Nana and Mutsumi. "The one you should be giving attention to is them."

"Eh? Why?"


My face turned red. It's not like those two like that way.


They're my friends.

Suddenly Shinomiya smiled and headed towards the food table.


He left me.


With a huff, I sighed.

"It's starting, It's starting!" Kae exclaimed excitedly.

"Ready the fireworks!" Igarashi yelled.

Then the countdown began.






One by One, different kinds of fireworks lit up the sky, no matter how different they were they blended into one masterpiece.

I was in awe.

Almost as if it was my first time seeing fireworks. It wasn't.

But this was the first time it gave me this kind of feeling, this type of warmth in my chest, it's sort of...unexplainable.

Not even when I was with my family and...Tsuki, did I have this sort of feeling.

It placed a genuine smile on my face.

"Jump Ayano!" Nishina shouted as she started to jump. Kae started to jump as well. Their laughters ringing in our ears.


"To get taller silly!"

I turned red.
But to jump---isn't that embarrassing?

Suddenly Nana started to jump.

"Hey why are you jumping? You're tall enough already!"

"Well it won't hurt to get even more taller!"

"Oy all you tall people stop jumping!"

"Unfair! Unfair!"

One by one they all started to jump.

I sighed. A wide grin on my face as I shook my head.

..Maybe I would let myself be

Just this once.

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