Raven,beast boy,and Starfire

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Once upon a time there were three friends. Raven was the best superhero their was. Raven decided to start a team with the two of her friends. "Starfire told beast boy to look for a house or somewhere nice they could build a house". "Beast boy told Starfire he saw a big house to live in". Starfire slept in the basement. Raven slept in the biggest room. Beast boy got the small room. Raven left to buy some food. Raven bought Bell pepper seeds,sandwich bread,and noodles. "Raven returned and told beast boy to put the groceries away". Raven built a village for people to live in. Ravens dad appeared. Raven went to Starfire's  planet. "Ravens dad said where's Raven"? "Starfire said I don't know".  Ravens dad went back to demon world. "Beast boy said brother blood is attacking". "Raven said let's get him"!

Raven banished brother blood to another dimension.

"Raven told Starfire to go home a while because theirs danger at her planet". Starfire was fighting to save her planet. Starfire returned to earth. Starfire gave silkie food and a bath.

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