Jackson starts using Skype

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One day Jackson thought about using Skype.  Jackson messaged Jake first. Jake sent Jackson a photo. Jackson laughed.  Raven said time to eat. "Coming"! They all ate Pizza and Cabbage. Trey left and went to work. Trey worked 9hours everyday. The kids missed dad so much they asked Raven to take them to see him. "Trey said hi guys". Trey hugged both of them.

When they went home they saw a mysterious letter on the table. Raven read the letter Raven then fainted. Jackson took Raven upstairs.  "Raven said there after us".  "Jackson said who mommy". "Raven said the villains we have to fight".

Jackson messaged his friend Jake. "Jackson said I'm glad you could come we need help fighting villains". Jake sewed some superhero suits.  Jackson wore a purple suit with a long blue dyed hair wig. Jackson had tornado powers his name was Tornados. Jake was flash. Jake sped around the villains trapping them. Jake never ran out of energy. Jackson got tired and fell down. Flash helped Tornados up. Flash took Tornados to the house. 

Tornados woke up and built the biggest tornado ever.  Flash was amazed. Flash decided to start his own superhero team. "Flash asked Raven can Jackson be a superhero"? "Raven said sure". Raven then started to walk away. Jackson walked away too to charge his phone. When Jackson came running outside Flash was laying on the ground. Tornados picked Flash up and took him inside. "Raven asked what happened"? "Tornados said well Flash fell". Raven made Flash some hot cocoa. When Flash woke up he saw the cocoa in front of him. Flash took tiny sips from the hot cocoa. "Raven asked you feel better"? "Flash said yes. "Tornados said let's go back to our real names". "Flash said good idea. 

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