Ultimate Silkie

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Silkie had a dream about being an ultimate hero.  "Raven went into an enormous cave their were giant dead spiders everywhere. Raven saw a glowing light it was the hive. Raven went back home. "Raven told Starfire and best boy what she saw in the cave.  Silkie started building a robot with fire proof and a lot of armor. One day Raven heard an explosion Raven warned everybody". "Raven said jinx is too powerful". Silkie came with his armor and shot traps out of his suit. silkie captured everyone. "Raven said thanks silkie". Raven made a special dinner for silkie. Silkie licked Ravens face. Starfire took silkie for a bath. Beast boy couldn't wait until he got married. Raven decided to marry a guy from demon world. Raven went back home to look. Starfire went with Raven to demon world. "Raven said get out". "Starfire said I too would like to come". "Raven said fine but don't let my dad see you". Raven turned Starfire into a demon until they leave demon world. Ravens dad "Ferry said who's the new demon"? "Raven said meet Starcress". "Ferry said hi Starcress. Raven saw a boy. "Raven said what is your name"? "The boy said my name is Trey". "Raven said come to my house".  Raven took Trey to her house Beast boy was cooking lunch. Raven ate her sandwich fast. Raven gave Trey a hug. "Raven asked Trey will you go out with me"? "Trey said yes". Raven took Trey on a romantic walk in the park. Trey and Raven went home. Beast boy started a fire cooking on the stove. "Raven said haha". "Raven said how did you do that"? "Beast boy said I left the stove on". Raven put the fire out. "Beast boy said thanks Rave".  Raven left. "Starfire said can I come we can be best friends"? Raven and Starfire went to see Parcy. Parcy was Ravens pa. "Raven said pa how come you haven't called"? "Pa said because I was busy I got a new job". "Raven said what kind of job"? "Pa said a supervisor kind of job". "Pa said I supervise the doctors". "Raven said wow". Pa made a some berry pancakes. Raven left and went to a mountain to look for crops. Starfire picked raspberry seeds,cabbage seeds,apple seeds,kiwi seeds,peach seeds,and wheat seeds. "Raven told beast boy they were going to live on their own". "Beast boy said OK". Raven and Starfire thought of a place to live. "Starfire said  we can live on that huge island". "Raven said good work Starfire. Starfire and Raven planted the seeds. After a while the crops began to grow.   Starfire started working on the house. When Starfire got finished she made some cabbage. Starfire and Raven ate they were hungry. Starfire left the island to look for sheep. Starfire clipped the sheep's wool. Starfire made two beds. Starfire also made some dressers. Raven stuck her clothes in her dresser. Trey slept on the couch.

"Starfire said time for bed"!

Raven went to bed. The next morning Raven was studying her spell book for a pet spell. Raven named her demon pet Bowser. Raven fed Bowser shrimp and cat fish fillets. Raven left and went to harvest the crops. Raven made a small breakfast. Raven cooked sausage,Raspberry's, and toast. Starfire loved the breakfast. Starfire put her plate in the sink. Starfire went to look for more information about this management job. Starfire got a newspaper. Starfire went home to read the newspaper. Starfire signed up for the management job. A few days later Starfire qualified. Trey was busy washing His hair and brushing his teeth. Trey started washing the dishes. Raven was taking a bath.

Raven,beast boy,and StarfireWhere stories live. Discover now