The new lives

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Well Beast boy died a horrible  death. Everyone went to Beast boys funeral and cried.  Starfire lived by her self in a medium house.

Raven lived with Trey and Purl.  Raven got a teacher job and Trey didn't work because he wanted to spend time with Purl.

A few days later Raven made up to a $100,000. Raven bought a king size bed, furniture,and food.  Raven cooked a lemon cake and turkey. Trey got stuffed and went to bed. Trey woke up and decided to get a job.

Trey got a restaurant job. Trey hired all Egyptian people. Trey got two golden benches and 4tables with 2chairs. Trey had his first customer. Trey rang the bell Sally took the order. Trey made $4,000 the first day.

Raven came home and found out Trey had got a job. Raven smiled. When Trey made $10,000 he bought a laptop. Trey got a desk also. Raven got home and cooked spaghetti. Raven and Trey then went to bed. Raven loved Purl so much that she took a day off to spend time with her. Trey woke up. "Trey asked honey are you OK"? "Raven said I'm hanging with Purl". Trey headed back to bed. Raven put Purl to sleep and then headed to bed. The next day Trey headed to work but Raven didn't Raven wanted to hang with Purl instead. Raven fed Purl and gave her a nap on the couch. Raven cooked up some coffee. Treys boss told Trey to expand the restaurant to 2castles together. Trey stayed with the large restaurant for now.

A few weeks later Raven,Trey and Purl lived in a palace. Trey put the beds in the room and got furniture in the living room. Trey sat on the sofa to relax. Raven gave Purl a walk. Raven went back and went to the grocery store. Starfire lived in a castle on her planet and became Queen. Starfire's minion Grind gave Starfire a pink dress. Trey was washing dishes. Purl was curled in a ball sleep. "Trey asked Raven what were you doing late at night"? "Raven said talking to Starfire". "Trey said oh". Trey went to bed. Raven and Trey went to work the next day. Test saw a creepy looking person. Test ran for his life. Raven saw test and called and told Trey. Raven and Trey followed the creepy man. The creepy man started chasing Trey. Raven trapped the creepy man but he broke through. Raven and Trey started running. Raven called Starfire. Starfire came and fought the creepy guy.

Raven and Trey went home.

Raven and Trey went to bed. The next morning a person was knocking at the door.  Raven answered the door it was a girl named shabby.

"Shabby asked can you help us build a new village because something happened to it"?  "Raven said sure. The next morning Raven,Trey and Purl helped Shabby build her new village. After a few days later Shabby's new village is finished.  "Shabby said thank you". Raven went back home to cook.

Purl walked In and got  on the couch.  Everyone went to bed. Starfire got a present.  Inside the present was a pair of shoes and jewelry. Starfire went home and put the items in her Jewelry box.

"Starfire's butler Silvia said we need you to come check something".   Starfire went in but their was nothing Starfire went to her room to lie down. Raven was home on the laptop looking for the people in her generations names. Trey was reading a horror book. Starfire left her planet and saw planet  Ivy poison. Starfire headed back to her planet. "Raven told Trey go look for Test in his laboratory downstairs". Trey looked and didn't see him.  "Trey said I looked he's not their".

Raven,beast boy,and StarfireWhere stories live. Discover now