Level IX

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Happy New Year :)


Seo won never had the chance to ask Sorim about the guy who just casually draped his arms her shoulder but after he said that she's his wife,  it became clear to him that she's taken, she should be, he should've known with that beauty of her. Too bad Hyun woo arrived already and called him.

The two who were left, awkwardly separated from each other though Sungjae still didn't want to.

If Sungjae called me his wife then... he's my husband?


But he might just said it for her sake when he saw her being with some stranger to save her, it did not justify that he's truly her husband. But all her doubts vanished immediately when he himself confirmed it.

"Sooyoung, you are Sword Girl right?" she nodded. "I'm Arc Heaker."

Yes he confirmed it but why does she feel not surprised at all? It was like she wished for it all this time when he arrive that she wanted him to be her husband and say it to her face, she just can't believe it.

Sooyoung roamed her eyes around the ocean park to see if there was someone who's waiting for her, she found none. She just can't believe that someone like Yook Sungjae is her husband in a game and moreover, he is famous even outside their university. How can she look at him now? Whenever she think about all the things that she said to him, especially her aegyo even though it was only in chat, she's embarassed to hell she wanted to melt.

Yook Sungjae who was looking at her must have known what she's thinking that he can't help but smile. He's smiling ear to ear that his jaws will fall off already, he could only bite his lips too stop himself from smiling too much.

Sooyoung punched his arms slightly when she saw his teasing smile.

"Stop it."

"wae?" He asked feigning innocence.

"Just... stop." Whenever her eyes meet with him she look away but then she would look back again.

He put his hands on his pockets to avoid himself from touching her, even holding her hand. He can see that she's already taken aback, he doesn't want to scare her more, or embarass her.

"Have you eaten?"

Sooyoung shook her head.

"Then let's eat first."

Instead of holding her hand he grab her bag to carry it for her, she didn't not protest or she has no choice since he took it himself.

They went to a nearby restaurant, while waiting for their order Sooyoung take the chance to ask him.

"Are you really-"

"Yes, it's really me. And I know even before that you are Sword Girl so don't ask."He said normally as if talking about the weather.

"How did you know it's me?"

He just shrugged and smiled at her.

Who are you really?

 Sooyoung has been bothered by it since he  approached her and the guy at the ocean park.

"Now that we've seen each other, do you still want to break up with me in the game?" He asked a little bit nervous but hid it.

That's right, now that I knew that he is my huaband in the game, should I srill break up with him? I wanted to break up with him in the game because I realized that I like him. Ah now what should I do?

She was unable to reply when their food arrive, they eat quietly, after that they went to a park and sat on a wooden bench. They only looked at the children playing far from them, the weather was nice, the weather was a bit cold especially when the air breezes so Sooyoung just hugged herself, Sungjae noticed that and take off his coat and put it on her shoulders but his hands stayed on her shoulder while he's sitting beside her.

"You might not believe me but I like you."

Sooyoung was stunned at his statement, he just said it suddenly her mind can't process what he said all of a sudden.

"I know we've only met a few times but it's true. I've been watching you from afar and only got the chance to confess to you, I even used the game as an excuse to officially meet you, though these is not how I wanted to meet you."

She could only look at his eyes that is looking back at her, it was filled with sincerity. She believed what he said is true.

"I like you too." She said bluntly, not batting her eyes when she said the words, she also wanted him to believe her that saying it to him is not 'spur-of-the-moment' thing, that what she feels is true.

"Jinjja?" He exclaimed smiling, almost biting his lips.

She nodded continously while smiling as well, his smile is contagious. She touched his lips to stop himself from biting his lips.

"I notice that you keep on biting  your lips it will bleed if you keep doing that."

"It's because I'm holding myslef from smiling too much, I'm so happy." He suddenly hugged her so she also hugged him back.

"Do I have to say it then?" Sooyoung asked him still being hugged by him, he let go of her and looked at her, confused.

"Will you be boyfriend Mr. Yook Sungjae?"

The look on his face completely changed from confusion to realization. He hold both of her hands and looked directly in her eyes.

"Ms.Park Sooyoung, will you give me the honor to be my girlfriend?"

She smiled happily. "With pleasure."


*Open Tournament*

Sooyoung was busy helping the basketball team while Sungjae was busy with Taekwondo, it was only been a week since they started dating but they haven't gone on a proper date since they are both busy, they only talk on the phone or text with each other, they can't even eat lunch together.

She was busy assisting the manager of the team when someone called her from behind.

"Hello, Park Sooyoung."

Oh not again.

She turned around and saw Daniel smiling at her. She forgot that he's included in the team, she was too pre occupied with Sungjae. Daniel is actually kind but likes to kid around, he likes to tease her whenver he gets the chance. And when she says 'tease', it means another thing  to him.

I should be careful.

Our heroine is still finding a solution on what to do with the 'newcomer', meanwhile on Sungjae's side...

"Today is just the first day Sungjae-a, why don't you take it easy and rest for today?" Hyunsik hyung said tapping his shoulders.

Sungjae would've agree if only he didn't see a familiar face on the enemies side.

He clearly remembered his face, he was hitting on Sooyoung that day. What a great place for them to meet again, he was upset that it was not their team that Sooyoung was assigned to but after knowing that the guy is here he was glad she wasn't there.

The two hero locked each others eyes, Sungjae thought the guy recognized him as well, the two can't seem to wait to have a battle with each other.

What awaits them? stay tuned for the next chapter. :)

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