Level XV

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"How many days is he there?" Irene unnie asked Sooyoung as the four of them eat their snacks in the cafe, they are currently resting after playing games.

"It's his second day today, he's going to be there for four days." Sooyoung answered sipping on her juice. Sooyoung thought that she'll be safe knowing that Sungjae's going back home after the online game tournament since his tournament is the same day as hers. Once he comes home, she'll tell him then.

"Who?" both Wendy unnie and Yerin ask at the same time.

"Her boyfriend." Irene answered in Sooyoung's place.

"Bwo?!" Wendy and Yerin exclaimed. "So, you and Yook worked out then." Wendy said, Sooyoung told her that her husband in the game is Sungjae but haven't told her that they are together.

Yerin spit out her drink. "Y-Yook? You mean, Yook Sungjae?" Sooyoung nodded. "waah~ I can't believe this."

"Sooyoung-a,won't he get angry if he knew you're helping me?" Wendy asked, concern is written on her face.

Sooyoung smiled at her assuringly. "It's okay unnie, I plan to tell him once he come back, I don't want him to worry about me when it's his tournament."

"If you want, I can tell him myself-"

"No unnie, it's okay. Just worry about yourself, you're already having a hard time as it is. I'll be fine."

"But tell me if you need help, okay?" Sooyoung just nodded.

"Now that we're finished eating, should we play one more game?" Irene unnie asked. "I have a class later in the afternoon so I can't join you."

"I never knew that playing game is so enjoying." Wendy unnie said. "It's quite addicting actually." she confessed. The three of us laughed at her, because they know what she mean.

They talked while going back to the internet cafe, Sooyoung forgot that her phone kept on vibrating.


Someone in Japan who kept on calling his girlfriend is feeling uneasy as he is sitting down in the locker room.

"Why is she not answering?" Sungjae asked as he dialed her number again, he's already frowning out of concern. What if something bad happened to her? She answers her phone immediately whenever he calls her, they just talked last night.

He just spared a moment to call her then later he's going to practice again, there was a slight change of the schedule, instead of the fourth day; he's going to fight tomorrow which is the third day. He wanted to tell her that he can go home earlier than usual and skip the awarding.

I'll just surprise her.

He'll spend the fourth day looking for something to give to her before he go back to Korea.

Sungjae dialed her number again but it just kept on ringing, Sighing he turned off his phone, maybe she's busy with school, or rather playing games. It made him frustrated for unknown reason though he knows what it is already. He's jealous.

I'm jealous to a freaking online game? This is ridiculous.

Rather than those guys who kept on ogling at her, she did not pay attention to them but she focuses on playing games instead. This means, the time he had spent with her is not enough to beat the times she spent on playing games.

I have to spend more time with her.

"Bwoya~ what's with that thing on your head?" Hyunsik hyung asked when he came inside the locker room.

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