Chapter 17 - Rosaline

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"How did you get in here?" Rosaline exclaimed.

"You pick up these things over the years" Francis said, rising out of the chair. "Don't worry I'm not interested in you or your small kingdoms. My only mission is to my people in the dungeons"

"What are you talking about? There is no one in the dungeons. All the war criminals were sent to the Amitician prison in 450" Rosaline said.

"Yes all the criminals were, but 50,000 Enchanters wouldn't all fit in Hades' Keep"

Rosaline stared at him blankly. Then she pulled out her knife.

"Start talking"

He stood up and put his hand out, as if he was trying to calm a dog down.

"Hades' Keep was what we decided to nickname the camp under the woods. It was supposed to be a sanctuary for Enchanters escaping the blood plague. Hundreds came from the Seashion Empire only to be treated like prisoners"

"What you're saying doesn't make any sense. How come no one noticed them?"

"Because they were hidden away from the public. In dungeons, in camps. There was more than one you know" Francis said.

Rosaline shook her head, unable to believe what she was hearing,

"Why are you telling me this?" she said.

Francis sighed.

"I can't free them on my own" he replied.

Rosaline laughed. "You want me to help you? You? Who's killed countless AIA agents?"

"I get rid of people who get in my way. Royal or AIA agent – they're all the same. I've probably killed agents but I did not kill those three agents who came snooping around her. Trust me, I'm not the only one who can't stand the AIA"

If Francis didn't kill the agents – who did?

"If what you're saying this is true, what can I do?" Rosaline said.

"You can call your little friends and they can search the entire castle looking for me, they'll find the Enchanters and the whole cover-up will be exposed".

Rosaline nodded her head. "Okay"

"I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what happens to people who don't go through with their promises" Francis said.

Rosaline nodded.

"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page" Francis walked towards the door.

As he passed her, Rosaline swung her knife in his direction. He grabbed her arm, snatched her knife and stabbed her hand. She screamed as pain seared her. Rosaline had been burned, beat up, choked, drowned, took the brunt of various spells and broken multiple bones at once. For some reason, none of them compared to this blinding pain. Rosaline thought she might pass out.

Rosaline didn't remember running down the stairs to the medical room. But she must have, because she awoke on a table and all of her pain had been numbed away. The girl who cut her hand on a broken plate and whom Rosaline helped her to the medical room, was wrapping her hand in a bandage. Something told Rosaline her name was Zara.

"Thank you Zara" Rosaline said.

"It was the least I could do" she said. "Francis said you had a nasty accident"

"Yes" Rosaline said, attempting to sit up. "I need to make a telephone call".

"Oh no, miss you've been given a lot of Metraproxiphine. You need to rest until the Enchantress gets here"

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