The Plane Ride

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The guy's decided to take a break from youtube. They decided to go to Hawaii, when Evan suggested the idea he didn't think they'd go for it but here they are in Evan's flat waiting for their ubers to take them to the airport. Everyone agreed it would be easier to go from Evan's house to Hawaii seeing as they'd all be together.

When they got to the airport, the checked their bags and walked around for a bit. It wasn't long before their plane was called and they were boarding. Some of the guys had seats next to each other but Tyler was by himself. There was a seat empty next to him. He didn't want to ask any of the guys to move but still he didn't want to be alone for 5 hours.

Just before the flight attendant began speaking, Jonathan slipped in next to Tyler.

"You look lonely" Jonathan laughed.

"Man why did all of you get seats next to each other!" Tyler grumbled.

"I don't know man, but if i sit here i won't get moved will I?" Jonathan questioned.

"I highly doubt it, it's not like anyone is sitting there" Wildcat replied.

And so Jonathan stayed next to Tyler. They weren't the closest of friends but it still made the ride that much bareable. Tyler and Jonathan agreed to watch a movie on the screen infront of them. They picked Daddy's home.

During the movie Tyler noticed Jonathan nodding off. Next thing he knew Jonathan was asleep on his shoulder. He was thankful he was infront of all the guys because he didn't want them throwing around any jokes.

Tyler didn't want to wake Jonathan up, so he continued watching the movie. Tyler tried not to laugh to much because Jonathan was peacfully sleeping. When the movie ended Tyler just listened to music on his phone.

He was amazed that Jonathan slept from just after take off to just before landing.

"Why didn't you wake me or move me" Jonathan laughed as they walked through the airport to get their luggage.

"You sat next to me on the airplane when I was a loner and I didn't want to move you cause you look so comfortable. Oh and you're hot" Tyler replied nudging Jonathan lightly.

Jonathan looked to the floor with rosy checks and laughed. It wasn't the first time Tyler had said something like that.

"Why did you hide your face for so long?" Tyler questioned as they sat on Evan's couch."What do you mean?" Jonathan questioned perking up."What I mean is that your hot and you shouldn't be allowed to hide your face" Tyler half smiled.

Once they got their bags and got into taxi's the gang was getting more and more excited. On the way to the hotel Jonathan remembered the fact that 2 people had to share a room. If Jonathan was being honest, he wouldn't mind sharing a room with Tyler.

When they arrived at the hotel, Evan went up to the front desk while the others stayed back in the lounge area. Tyler let a yawn escape his mouth as he watch Jonathan and Marcel laugh at one of Brock's stupid puns.

Soon Evan returned with a bunch of key cards.

"A'ight, I guess we should just pair up?" Evan questioned.

Tyler looked at Jonathan who looked at Tyler.

"Give me one!!" Jonathan laughed as he attempted to snatch one from Evan's hand.

"I can't give it to the child! Who are you with?" Evan chuckled.

"His with me, now give me the card so I can fucking take a nap" Tyler said successfully grabbing a key card.

Soon everyone was paired up and ready to go to their rooms. Tyler was already ahead and in the elevator, Delirious ran after him pushing past Nogla and Lui.

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