A Little Intro

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Hey guys! So this book (my first fanfic btw) is about Feysand and Rowaelin meeting. Just to tell you, I will occasionally be talking about some of my thoughts and ideas, for example: Which series has more ships, etc...

Oh, and btw, there will be some internal stories in the story, like little side-story things. Also, if you have not read either of the series (ACOTAR series and ToG series) then go back, read the books, and come back, as these will contain MAJOR SPOILERS!

I also probably will be writing a bunch of short stories in this book, probably with my thoughts I between. But all of these stories will include Feysand and Rowaelin. Although I might be focused on Feysand more in one story and Rowaelin in the other... I really don't know...

Hope you enjoy!

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