Chapter 1

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* Guys I know in the books it is either 3rd person (ToG) or in Feyre's point of view (third person) in ACOTAR series... But right now it is the 3rd person the full way through, OK? Also, the names of books and authors stated in this are completely fictional. If there is anyone out there who has these names that have come out of my head, I beg you to accept my sincere apologies...

Rowan was going to kill her. She knew it. SHe had known it the moment she had run out of the sports shop Rowan was in, and into the opposite bookstore. First, he would be worried, because he was such a territorial boyfriend; then try to contact her on her cell phone which she had lost (and he did not know it...). Then he would hunt all over the mall for her, find her, hug her... ANd then kill her for not telling him.

She entered the bookstore, breathless, and then smiled. She loved this place. She loved the chiming of bells when she walked in that hung from the door, the musty smell of books that adorned the dozens of bookshelves... This place was small, but that made it even cozier, with the cushioned chairs and sofas crammed into one end, and those dozens of bookshelves at the other.

She headed straight to the romance section and picked up the first book she saw: A Georgia Tale book. She immediately started reading and leaned against a shelf. When she had not even finished the first page, someone bumped into her. 

"Sorry," she muttered.

Aelin looked up and saw a girl with long golden brown locks. She nodded and saw, like her, she was immersed in her book. She guessed she had been walking whilst reading and bumped into her by accident.

"What book?" Aelin asked curiously and started at her answer.

"The author is Georgia Tale," she muttered. "Called A Twinkle In Your Eye,"

Aelin showed her the book she had been reading and flashed a grin. "Same!"

Her eyes lit up with amusement, and Aelin decided to like her. They talked for a while and realised that they had so much in common. Even their pasts were so alike they both balked. Suddenly there was a bang and those bells hollered out a tuneless rhythm. 

"Feyre!" someone shouted, at the same time another voice yelled, "Aelin!"

Aelin and Feyre rolled their eyes at each other because they guessed that they were in the same boat. They just waited, and sure enough, thirty seconds later, a huge shape came into view. Aelin bit her lip. Rowan. A second later, another shape came into their sight. It was Feyre's turn to bit her lip. Rhys. They both tried for an innocent look and failed miserably.

"I got bored of sports..." Aelin batted her eyelashes at Rowan.

"Same!" Feyre echoed what Aelin had said moments before, but this time to Rhys. "I got bored of looking at random balls and stuff..."

Aelin looked at Feyre. "What shop?" she asked.

"The one opposite!" Feyre answered and turned back. 

"I understand your boredom." Aelin sighed. "That's where I was too."

Both growing tired of the ladies chatting as if they were not there, Rowan ran, quick as lighting, behind  Aelin and pushed her out. Aelin caught Feyre laughing sarcastically at Rhys before Rowan pushed her out. She turned one last time and saw those bells. Were they playing a mocking tune?

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