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Guys help me! I have literally no clue what to write for you guys! I really have no clue whether to write fluff or what... Because I can not think of any possible ideas for a story. Bleh. I should probably do some Rowaelin stories, not fluff, but I have writer's block. See, Feysand is my favorite ship out of those two, so it is easier to write about them... So yeah. 

GIMME SOME IDEAS PEOPLE!!!! I really need them. Well, whatever, I need to write some stuff soon because school starts this Sunday. I want to aim at getting at least 20 parts done, then wrapping up the book. Not 30 chapters, but parts. Like you know before you name the subtitle things, it says the parts? Yeah... Those. I need like 5-6-7 more to go. In 3 days. I'll work hard and probably make an Epilogue.

Anyway, happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have a wonderful day with your loved ones, and also to one of my friends, happy birthday! I hope you all have a beautiful day and get lots of chocolates!

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