Thoughts #2

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Hey guys... Sorry, that story was only a page long... The title contest thing still applies, and so does the dedicating the story to you...

I promise you, the next to will be based in one of the worlds, and most probably will only feature either Feysand or Rowaelin but it will be an actual story...

Oh! I almost forget... Please comment on any fanfics you want me to write, because even though my well of inspiration is quite full at the moment... It may run out sometime soon.

Also, I have a few other thoughts. What if Prythian and Erilea actually are connected somehow? What if in the next book SJM actually does make a crossover?! How cool would that be? I mean, I can't even imagine how spectacular and satisfying that will be. Seriously. But actually, that probably won't happen because the next one is called A Court of Frost and Starlight (I think), and if it was a meetup, I have a feeling it would have Fire somewhere in the title for Aelin, although she is locked in an iron coffin.

Which leads me to my next point. I finished ToG and then immediately started ACOTAR. So when I finished the ACOTAR series, I was comparing (well I still am, but...).I realized that ACOTAR finished so happily, whilst ToG (excluding Tower of Dawn, because I guess that ended happily), it ended so sadly. Namely, because Aelin was trapped in an iron coffin! But I probably would have been more depressed if something had happened to Rhys, so it's fine...

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