Chapter 2

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Cassian P.O.V

I gulped. Nesta was approaching me, looking nervous. What? Nesta never was nervous. If she was, then I probably had to be, too.

"Hey, Cassian." she muttered, looking at the floor, biting her lip. 

"Uh, hey Nesta... How are you?" what a stupid, stupid question. Clearly something was up, and I needed to know. Well, only one way to find out."What's up?" I asked. 

She nearly choked on her words, and started to mutter a "nothing", but I was having none of it. i had known her long enough to sense when she was hiding something from me. Which was all the time. No, I was never staring at her. But a small voice in my head muttered, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that (eh ehem, fandom)

"Listen, you can tell me, alright?" I gently turned her chin up so she was forced to look at me. "Nesta. Clearly something is off. You are not alone here. You can tell me."

"No, I can not..." Nesta tilted her chin up, just a fraction. To be honest, I was kind of glad. I hated seeing Nesta look unsure of herself. But I needed to know.

"Nesta." I sounded forceful, even to my ears. But again, I really needed to know. Something was eating at her, something big, by the looks of it. And, by the way she was looking at me, something to do with me. Oh God (guys I don't swear, this is the most you will hear me write, other than hell). Now it was vital for me to know.

"Nesta, does this have something to do with me?" I blatantly asked, really needing to know now."Nesta?"

Nesta P.O.V

Oh God. Oh God. This was already going to hell. Cassian knew something was up. He knew it concerned him. But he had no clue what it was. I still did not know how to tell him, how to break it to him. I had come here on impulse, again, having no plan in mind. That was completely and utterly unlike me. I was normally all abut the logic, but our maybe mating bond wasn't logical either.

"Nesta, does this have anything to do with me?" he asked, out of the blue. "Nesta?"

What was I gong to say? I could not outright say my suspicions to him, because surely he would make fun of me and laugh in my face. Not to mention the disgust and dreaded pity. No that was not an option. But I had to tell him something, and obviously I needed to tell him something quick. 

"Uh, no its nothing, just something about Elain..." he was not buying it and I knew it. "Just her and Lucien and..."

God, why did I keep trailing off? It was making me all the more unbelievable. And, as much as I hated to admit it, Cassian knew me really well, and he knew when I was lying.

"Nesta, look at me." I had dropped my gaze to the floor unconsciously. I raised my head. 

"What?" I snapped.

"Nesta, you are lying to me. Spit it out. I don't care what it is. If you are worried about me laughing, or some other thing that is as stupid as that... Don't."

"I'm not!" I sniped, although he had almost guessed it. "Just bog off." 

He arched a brow. "Honey, you're the one who came over to me."

Oh yeah. True. "Whatever. Nothing's up."

"Uh huh." Cassian's lip  curled over his teeth. "If you don't tell me, I will..."

"You'll what?" I sneered. He did not have anything to blackmail me with. "Huh?"  

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