Flambeau x Lady Felicia

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Come on, who else doesn't ship these too? I only did it because of the episode "The Judgement of Man." Series 3 episode 10.

Flambeau's P.O.V
It's dreadful, it's absolutely terrible just awful. The fact the I can't stop thinking about her is annoying me. I laid there in my apartment staring up at the ceiling, and before you ask what timeline you are in? I'm in the 21st century, hesitating on whether to ask her out. Though I soon decided to go for it.

I sat up in bed before going to get changed in a suit. Black suit, black trousers, black smart shoes, should I bother about a tie? No I think it will be fine. I grabbed my car keys, and jacket as I walked out of my apartment, to my grey sleek Porsche. That I might have to get rid of, as I think it might have a tracking on it.


I soon arrived at the borders of the Cotswold, harsh place it is. Well I guess its supposed to be. When they have to stop things getting in, and out of the place. Luckily there was a back entrance that they didn't keep an eye on. I forgot that the place would be quite dark, due to not having any street lights. I could see the church St. Mary's in the distance, but for once I didn't need to go there. Taking a right, out of the village. Heading down the dark countryside road, you be surprised on how it is so peaceful and quiet.

"And there is the fair damsel in distress, in such a big and lonely house." I said to myself, driving up to the front.

Turning the car off, I got out and made my way up to the door. Waiting for whoever to answer it, I straightened my shirt. It was her servant Hornby.

"Is her LadyShip in?" I asked, putting on an accent.

"Yes, but she wasn't expecting any visitors, at this time of night." The servant replied.

"Well I'm just an old friend." I lied.

The servant let me in, before showing me to the room she was in. I thanked the servant, and watched him walk back down the stairs. Then I walked in.

"Lady Felicia." I greeted.

"Flambeau! How did you get in?!" Lady Felicia replied, not happy.

Oh why was she always bitter to see me?

"Well let's just say, your servants are the best at recognising me." I told her.

"Just cause my Husbands not here, doesn't mean you can get around me."

Just as well her husband wasn't here, but how was I supposed to know that. It's not like they say in the newspaper when he's out, and what not.

"Look, I haven't come to steal anything or for..." I paused.

"Help? Oh you're not using my house as a safe house." Lady Felicia crossed her arms.

I walked over to her, getting down on one knee. Wanting to take her hand, into mine.

"For once, I'm not in that kind of trouble, but release me from this feeling." I begged. "The feeling of love," I then added.

"Oh Flambeau, you and your charms." She got up, walking over to the bookshelf.

I got up, dusting myself down. "So?"

"You can stay the night, if you listen to one of my stories."

"Your wish is my command." I smiled.


Oh, don't get me wrong. The story was marvellous but not as marvellous as the Lady herself. I got up from the sofa, as she didn't notice, until I went round behind her. To kiss her neck.

"Flambeau!" Her Ladyship gasped.

"Felicia." I replied.

She turned to face me. "If I could leave Monty I would."

"You shouldn't, I wouldn't have tine for you. You'd be stuck in my safe house, not to mention that you'll be even more lonely, than you are now." I admitted.

To much my notice she held my face and kissed me again, this time being more passionate. That's when I picked her up in bridal style, exchanging more kisses as I took her to the bedroom. Tonight was just going to be me, pleasing her in every way possible. Oh how could the Lord ignore such a beautiful Lady?

Requested by maverickb747
Also the ship is much stronger now, since Father Brown Series 7 Episode 10
The Honourable Thief.

Sorry if it's a bit short.

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