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"Hey" I yell as I climb through Ashley's window and she jumps off her bed "Ellie! What the hell? You scared the shit out of me!" She yells I laugh "Sorry" I sit on her bed "So what's up?" "Busy recovering from the mini heart attack you gave me...." I laugh again "Come on Ash it wasn't that bad" "I know. But seriously I'm not doing anything" I nod "Ok so what do ya wanna do?" I ask as the door opens to revile Chris "Hey Ash we're going to the store. Oh hey Ellie when did you get here?" I laugh "About 5 minutes ago, used Ashley's window" "Y'know there's a thing called a door right El?" He jokes "I know Chris" I roll my eyes "Ok bye Dad!" Ashley yells "Ok bye honey bye Ellie" he leaves the room
"So what ya wanna do?" I ask "Go to Tyler's?" Ashley suggests "Ok" I say as we leave Ash's room and walk to Tyler's
Time skip...........
We get to Tyler's and he's smoking a cigarette outside on his step "Yo!" I yell "Sup?" Ashley asks as we hug him "Ya smell like smoke" I say as I cough "Want one?" He asks holding up the pack "No thanks" I shake my head Ashley takes the pack and snatches the lighter than gets a cigarette and puts it in her mouth "Ash you smoke?" I ask "Only sometimes" she shrugs "I never knew that" Tyler says "Yeah there's lots of shit you don't know about me" Ashley tells him "Hey guys?" I ask "Can we go to the tattoo shop?" "Uh.... You wanna get a tattoo?" Ashley asks "Yeah" I nod "Ya sure babe?" Tyler asks I nod again "Ok let's go" He says as we drive to the tattoo poler
Time skip..........
"Which one ya wanna get?" The man asks at the counter "Mini rose on the wrist" I say as I sit in the chair and hold out my right wrist as the man gets the inks and needles ready "Ya sure ya wanna do this honey?" Ashley asks "I'm sure dumbass" I laugh "You can hold my hand" Tyler says "Thanks" I say as I hold his hand as I feel the needle and a shooting pain I squeeze Tyler's hand "Ow, fuck this hurts" I whisper "I know El" he says "You're doing great" Ashley says I smile "Thanks Ash"
Time skip.........
After I get the tattoo we leave and go back to Tyler's car "Ya did good El" Tyler says "Thanks" I kiss him "Get a room you two" Ashley groans "Hey can I have a cigarette?" I ask "What?" Ashley asks "Ellie, I think a tattoo is enough" she tells me "Ashley I'm just trying it" as Tyler reluctantly hands me a cigarette and I cough "I'm never trying that again" as Tyler laughs "Hey guys wanna go to the park?" Ashley asks "Kinda celebrate my BFF getting her first tattoo" she says "Whoo!" I cheer "Yeah. But let's stop at the store first" Tyler says "Why?" I ask "Getting us some beer. Can't celebrate without drinks" "Tyler? Do you really think this is a good idea?" Ashley asks "Ash... It'll be fine" he hugs her
Time skip..........
We go to the park with the liquor "I don't think this is a good idea" Ashley says "I almost got detained by drinking in the park before" "Ash..you what?!" I yell "Sorry" she puts her hands up in surrender we all sit down and Tyler pours some liquor into 3 cups and hands us them and Tyler drinks his "You ok?" Ashley asks me as she drinks her's "You sure about this?" I ask Tyler "I'm sure babe" I smile and kiss him as I taste the liquor on his lips (haha Hurricane reference, no ok) "I love you" I say as Tyler deepens the kiss "Damn if you guys are gonna have sex right in front of me I'm gonna leave" Ashley comments "We're not" Tyler says as he stops and I try the beer "It's good" I say as Tyler and Ashley smiles as someone walks up to us "Ty, hide the beer" Ashley whispers "I've heard some suspicions are happening over here. You kids doing anything your not supposed to be?" The man (he looks like a cop) asks "No, no sir. Not doing anything. Completely normal. Just 3 teens hanging out" Ashley tells him "Mind if I give you a breath elizer (idk how to fucking spell but u know what I mean) "Don't mind" Ashley mumbles as she stands up and looks at both of us as she breathes "Have you been drinking?" The officer asks "N-no" Ashley says nervously "I think you have. You 2 stand up. Hands behind your backs" Tyler and I stand up with Ashley as I start to breathe heavily "Fuck this is not good" I mumble as we get hauled into the car
Time skip........
We are currently in a cell and Ashley is pacing back and forth "What am I going to do? Are we actually being arrested?" "Ash calm down" Tyler gets up "Calm down? You got us into this mess in the first place!" She yells "Ashley calm down" I say "Seriously Ellie? Your on his side? Your fucking boyfriend got us into this fucking mess and you're on his fucking side?!" She screams "I-I" I mumble "I'm sorry Ellie I'm just frustrated" Ashley hugs me "I know" I cry "I'm sorry" she sobs "I know" I say "We'll get out of this don't worry guys" Tyler stands up and hugs us "I got us into this mess... And I'm gonna get us out"
Cliffhanger! Bye luv ❤️

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