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Cheri helped Gareth move into his new consulting rooms at the hospital. "Well I never thought I'd ever run a consulting room in a state hospital and get paid by the government."

"And here you are. I am so thrilled for you Gareth."

He sat down behind his desk and sloped backwards. "I've heard Jesse Clarke owns a private hospital in Sunninghill. His agreement was that after you finish your internship we both go to work at his hospital."

"He didn't..." Cheri said amazed.

"Well, he did."

Cheri yelped with joy and embraced Gareth with a kiss on the cheek. "That's wonderful."

"He's a good guy. I like him. And Cheri...You are an absolute angel."

"Thank you darling." She smiled and gave him a peck on the mouth.

Gareth had a diligent first day at the hospital taking in patients with everything from chicken pox to slight colds. "Miss Love..." She stood up and walked to Gareth's office. He scrutinized her as she walked in and questioned himself how she could ever be sick the way that she was dressed. Her hair was platinum blonde and reached her waist and she donned a bright red top that left unequivocally nothing to the imagination and a bare belly and a black micro mini that just concealed what was necessary, and stilettos as high as the Eiffel tower that not even Cheri would feel comfortable in.

"You can get on the bed so long. He cleared his throat. "So what's wrong with you Miss Love?" He kept focused on her hair and her hands and any other part above her shoulders for that matter and tried not to go below that region.

"I think I have a lump in my breast."

"Oh...Uhm...Where?"He started feeling uncomfortable.

"Here." Before he knew what's hit him she grabbed his hand, and put it full onto her breast.

He quickly jerked away his hand. "I don't feel anything." He turned his back on her and cleared his throat again. "You can get off now. Anything else?"


"Okay then."

"Are you married doctor?"

He almost froze over. She was starting to scare the hell out of him. "Why are you asking?"

"Because I think you're nice."

"Oh. Yes, I'm married and I've got other patients waiting." He promptly opened the door for her to leave.

She walked closer to him and put her arm over his shoulder. "Call me if you change your mind." Gareth wasn't the least bit turned on by her exploit and felt rather grateful as she left. She was so phony he could not imagine how she could think he would be interested in a Barbie doll like her dressed as a floozy. He did think she was mind blowing beautiful though but not his type. His brown-eyed Cheri was his type of girl. The down-to-earth mind blowing beauty. She knocked on his door.

"Hi honey..."

"Cheri, angel."

She gave him a hug. "How was your first day?"

"Heaven, except my last patient was total hell."

"Oh, that Barbie doll that just brushed past me?"

"Yes, the one and only.Cheri, I didn't know where to look. And surprise Doctor Morley..." His face said it all.

Cheri laughed. "I wish I could see your face."

"No...I'll be having nightmares for the rest of my life! So...She asked me if I was married."

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