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James paid Gareth a visit the next morning. "Morning Gareth."


"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm in pain here. How's Cheri?"

"She's still recovering from shock. Do you feel up to it to go home today?"

"Yes... I'm only walking like the hunchback of Notre Dame."

"Just a word of advice. For the next month no tickling while cuffed to bedposts. That's looking for trouble."

"I heard you Dr. Tyler."

"So then you're discharged." He checked Gareth out. "Thanks for everything James."

"Hey. We doctors look out for one another. Say hi to Cheri for me."

"I will." Stephanie dropped Gareth off at his place. "Would you like to come in for some coffee?"

"That would be nice Dr. Morley." She followed him into the house. "Oh it's lovely."

"It's Cheri's place. Mine would be finished in a couple of weeks."


He put up some water and sat down at the island counter. "I never see you going out with someone. Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"I do. But he lives in Cape Town."

Gareth nodded. "What does he do for a living?"

"He's a sculptor. He makes a good living out of it."

"Interesting." Gareth poured them some coffee and put it on the counter with some sugar and milk. "I'm initially from Cape Town myself."

"You are? Why did you come here then?"

"Oh hell. I don't know. Because my ex-fiancé lived here." She smiled. "And now you have a fiancé that works at the same hospital as you."

"I love that girl. She means the world to me."

"You two make a good couple."

"Everybody seems to think so."

Stephanie took her coffee. "Thanks."

"Pleasure." He sat down. "Aren't you planning on going back to Cape Town to join your boyfriend?"

"I am. But I first want to find a vacancy over there."

"I can organize something for you."

Stephanie smiled. "You can? That would be lovely." Stephanie looked on her watch after she finished her coffee. "I have to go. I still have a lot of work to do at the hospital."

They stood up and Gareth accompanied her to the front door. "Thanks for dropping me off."

Gareth took the Beetle and drove off to check out how his place in Sunninghill was progressing. It was a striking double story with a giant willow tree near the motor gate. "Wow...magnificent." He stopped and got out to look inside. "It's finished. We can move in this week," he thought to himself. Even the swimming pool was filled up and the blinds were put up.

He couldn't wait for Cheri's BMW to stop in the driveway as he watched a bit of TV back at her place. Finally she parked behind the Beetle and waltzed into the living room. "Hello baby. I missed you." Gareth stood up and gave her a peck and a hug. "I've got good news. Our house is finished. We can move in this week."

"So soon? That's great news!" She embraced him. "Oh, and I am selling the BMW next week."

"Why? It's in perfect condition still."

"I lost my heart on a Chevy Corvette this morning."

"Okay. But then again, German cars are better."

She smiled. "Says who?"

"Says Dr. Morley."

"You always know the answers to everything."

"Well, I'm a doctor. I'm supposed to know the answers to everything." He gave Cheri a playful punch on her shoulder.

"I can't believe the year is almost over. Then I'm finished with my internship and..."

"We can get married and later have a little family."

"With three children."

"With three children."

Gareth drove to show Cheri his brand new home. "Just look at that. And I had a couple of Weeping Willows planted. They're such elegant trees."

Cheri looked at the place in high regard. "It must have cost a fortune to build."

Gareth nodded. "It did cost a small fortune yes. And there's a swimming pool at the back and a fish pond at the front." There was a lush lawn at the front of the house with a fountain surrounded by a round pond and rose bushes.

"Gareth, our family home."

"So what are you going to do with your place?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe rent it out or so."

Gareth looked at Cheri lovingly. "I can't wait for us to move in."

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