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Cheri was making a conversation with Stephanie when the paramedics barged into E.R. with a girl on a carrier..

"I'm a doctor. What happened?"

Adam Christensen replied, "Seventeen year old female, fell off a horse. Has a severe concussion. Possible spinal injury. Heart rate is 40 per minute. Blood pressure 19 over 100."

"Okay, get her to O.R. now. Stephanie, get her prepared for me please." Cheri paged James and hurried to the dressing room to put on her scrubs and get ready for O.R. When she arrived after extensive x-rays were taken and examined she opened her up.

"Yeap...Fractured vertebrae and two crushed vertebrae."

Cheri gave James a stern look. "Does this mean she's paralyzed, James?"

"Not necessarily."


"Now, we need to put pins in here and here to hold the two vertebrae together."

Cheri paid careful attention as he advanced. "It's a good thing she could still breathe by herself."

James nodded. "That would have meant she's paralyzed from the shoulders down."

Cheri pinched a tear. James gave her a concerned look. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine..."

"Would you like to do the next vertebrae?"

"Sure..." Cheri worked gradually, as cautiously and accurately as possible.

"Good girl." He smiled. "So, how are things between you and Gareth?"

"We're good. I enjoy his companionship."

"Do you still miss Brendan. I mean you were crazy about him."

"I do. I'll never forget him. I'll always have fond memories. But, I cannot throw my life away and be alone for the rest of my life just because he's not there anymore. I met Gareth and...I love him."

"How's he with the injury and all?"

"He's doing well. He's recovering fast."

"Any plans to get married?"

"He wants to yes. And he wants three children."

He smiled. "I am thrilled for you Cheri." She finished the procedure and James gave a favorable nod. "You're a quick learner." She neatly stitched up the patient and arranged her instruments in a neat row. "Well done Dr.Wilson."

Cheri checked up on her patient after the operation. "Good day miss Jameson. Horrible fall you had there hey. I'm Dr. Cheri Wilson. I assisted Dr. James Tyler with your operation." She looked through the girl's file. "Bronwyn, right?"


Cheri tickled her foot. "Can you feel this?"


"Okay...You broke your back, but with the right treatment, there is hope that you will walk again."

"Am I paralyzed?"

"If we're lucky, only in the short term. You will need extensive physio therapy in the future."

"But will I walk again?"

Cheri smiled. "Might. We did notify your parents of your accident. So you don't have to worry. They will make a turn soon."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure." Cheri took her file and left the room running into Jesse Clarke who looked like a cat that just had a second helping of cream.

"Good day Dr. Wilson."

DR. CHERIWhere stories live. Discover now