5: Trusting a Stranger

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Do I trust him that much? Well, i never even think that he did abused me last night right? I woke up like I know him a lot, like I know he will respect me as a woman. And now inviting him to my place...

"I can come with you?"

"Of course, i want you too."

He smirked.


"If you want."

"Of course I want too."

I didn't successfully stopped myself to laugh! I grab a small couch pillow beside me to cover my face.

"Whats funny Aria?"

Before I can answer he was beside me so I calmed myself!

"Nothing, I'm just happy you really want to come with me."

He smiled.

"Of course I want too."

We went on the dinning area and sat in front of humongous set of breakfast. What? Eggs, all kinds of scrambled, omelet, boiled. Bacon, hotdogs, pancakes and a lot to mention.

"You like something else?"

"Youve got to be kidding, this is just for us?!"

"Well, yeah. Is it too much?"


"Oh." he smiled unevenly.

We sat and start breakfast. He has a maid who added a plate on the table who clearly was shocked to see someone else unexpectedly.

"Ang dami nyo pong niluto." you cooked a lot, in english. In her looks I know she's a filipino.

"Normal lang po yan, sana po ay magustuhan nyo." its just normal, i hope you like it. She answered in tagalog. I glanced at Drew and i know he's confuse.

"So you can speak their language too? You dont look like a filipina but look like an asian."

"Half filipino, half american. We call ourselfs Fil-ams, and yes I can speak Filipino Language." i smiled to him.

"Can i ask you a question?" i asked him.

He swallowed a lot of bacon, and then omelets.

"What kind?"

"About your shades? How come you never remove them?"

He frozed a second.

"Oh, i just... I just..." in his tone I know he dont want to say anything.

"Nevermind, i dont even care. I like you whatever your eyes looks like. It doesnt matter, just made me curious in a moment."

"Thanks, i will.. Tell you if i can. Soon, its kinda complicated."

He slowly said like it weaken him. I start to came up on a conclusion that he has an eye problem or a big scar or one eye or damaged eye balls and alike but it doesnt matter honestly. Its crazy but it doesnt really.

"So? What are you? American? European?"

"Hey, do i have british accent to ask me if I'm european?"

I laughed. XD

"Yeah, thats a stupid guess. Its your hair! The color is like One Direction's Niall Horan hair shade. I noticed."

"Yea, sorta imitated his aye? But nah, I'm not european."

"I knew it." i whispered but surprised to hear him gigled. He must have heared it, dang!

"Not even American but Canadian."

My eyes widen as he said Canadian. You all know I have this Canadian thing obsession!

"Oh, fascinating."

After breakfast, he drove me to my condo. I do noticed that he still wears a jacket that really wasn't appropriate here in Boracay. I wanted to say something about it but afraid to offend him.

"You really sure its okay?" he said.

I smiled and let him sit on my couch.

"Yeah, its only us here. Uhhmm, I'll just take a shower. Turn on the tv if you want, so you wont get bored. I think I left it on a DVD I watched while I had early dinner yesterday."

"What DVD?"

"Something you won't understand? Ignore it, I will be fast."

"Take your time." He smiled.

I nodded and just pick up the remote on the side table. Good thing my condo is neat right now, it would be embarassing to let him stay in a messy place. Hurriedly run to my room and take a shower on my bathroom then fastly wear clothes. My hair is soaking wet as I walk in the living room seeing him watching the DVD I warned him that he won't understand.

"Hi." he glanced at me.

"I told you, you wont understand that."

"Maybe the language but I have an idea of whats happening." he pointed out.

The screen is on an Asian drama called "The heirs" starring Park Shin hye and Lee min hoo.

"Why do you watch this? I mean its hard to understand--"

"I can understand, its korean. I have korean language classes since kinder. And I normally watch Korean Dramas, I watched that a dozen of times and still loving it."

"Wow. So lets tally this out, you can speak fluently in three languages?"

I nod.

"English, Filipino and Korean?"

I nod smiling.

"Wow." he said fascinated.

He snapped.

"Can we walk around later?"

"Sure. I just arrived the day before yesterday, I really haven't checked out amazing spots here. That would be fun."

He stand up and went infront of me.

"We have something in common here. Matching tops." he said fascinated again.

He is wearing a white and black jacket. So I found this white and black hangging long sleeves. The material wasn't thick and still appropriate for summer so I wore it. He seems happy with it.

"You like it?"

He nod and said...

"Let me help you with that."


He stole my towel and personally rub in to my hair to dry it out. He go closer and closer so he can easily dry my hair.

"Do you have a hair dryer?"

I nod. And we went inside my room to get it. He let me sit infront of my huge mirror and he plug the hair dryer then started to dry my hair. My heart smiled so big that makes it wanna jump out off my body. I can't stop myself from smiling. Its a first that someone blow dry my hair for me except from salons.

"Its okay now." he smiled at me by. the mirror.

I smiled back.

"You are kinda sweet Mr. Drew."

"Do I now?"

A smile flush across his face.

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