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[Joshua's POV, a week later]

After Jieun's art exams, multiple coffees and many discussions, the two of us had agreed to meet somewhere different, for once. Actually, it had been me who had proposed it. Not that I am starting to get bored of the café because I really am not; it is a very beautiful place, but I have something in mind...

The drawings had made me develop this grateful feeling which I cannot exactly put into words, but there is one thing that's sure: I want to do something special for her, too. So, what should I do? I had thought about it for quite a while and came to the conclusion that, like Jieun did, I should use my talents. Playing guitar and singing had always been two of my passions in life. So, that would be it! I would sing a song for Jieun. It made me hesitate a lot, because that might be embarrassing to actually do, but I think it would be more meaningful than anything else, just like her drawings were.

For sure, the café wasn't the best place to randomly start playing guitar and sing as it would disturb the other customers. That is why Jieun and I are meeting today at my apartment. Well, no, at the café, then we will head to my apartment. Playing at my apartment would avoid the inconvenience of carrying my guitar around. Jieun didn't know it was the reason for changing the meeting place for today... it was still a secret.

After waiting a few minutes in front of the café, I see Jieun appear in the distance. I instantly smile and wave at her as I walk closer.

"Hey, Jieun," I greet her. She greets me back and we head to my house. On our way there, we discuss her new art project, which will apparently last more than a month. I also tell her about what recently happened at my workplace. We reach the building and enter. My apartment is on the second floor, so we climb the stairs to there. Taking out my keys, I unlock the door and let her in.

"So this is where I live."

"It's really nice," she tells me. She looks around until her eyes stop on my guitar. It is on its stand, next to the couch.

"So that's your guitar." I had mentioned it to her before, and she already knew I loved to play guitar.

"Yep. I can play some for you later if you want," I tell her.

"Really? That'd be nice." She smiles.

I ask her if she's hungry as I go prepare two glasses of water in the kitchen. She says no, so I only bring back the two glasses and put them down on the coffee table. I sit next to her on the couch.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask her.


"How did you become so wise?"

"Wise? I don't know if I'm that wise..." she replies.

"Then, how come you've decided to do a good action each day?" I ask her instead.

"That's a pretty long story, but I'll tell you. About a year ago, my parents passed away in an accident. It's so unsettling... one day you have a family, the next you don't. I cried a lot, and often."

"My condolences," I tell her. She thanks me and continues her story.

"One day, I happened to be crying at the park near my house. That day, I thought fresh air might do me good and gave it a try. It hadn't been very helpful, in fact, since I was still crying. A guy saw me and walked over to me. He was carrying a bouquet of flowers, which was originally for another girl whom had rejected his love confession just a few moments earlier as I came into the park. I saw it from afar, but I was too busy trying to dry my tears, which just kept falling, to pay much attention to it. Surprisingly, he simply smiled as he gave me the flowers and walked away without a word. I don't know his name or who he is, but his kind action gave me back my smile that day. That is when I realized something so simple could make a difference, and I wanted to make that difference... at least for one person."

"Well, I think you've already achieved that goal... Your kindness saved me." I smile.

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