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Serena sat up abruptly and breathed, shakily and heavily; she had a nightmare

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Serena sat up abruptly and breathed, shakily and heavily; she had a nightmare. She brought her knees up to her chest, held her pillow and whimpered softly.

"Rena? What's wrong, are you okay?" Natasha asked as she looked at the small child.
"I had a bad dream."

Natasha got up, sat next to Serena as she said,"Do you want to talk about it? It might make you feel better."
"It... it was about my dad. He... well, he didn't want me." Serena said shakily.
"Have you ever seen your father, did your mother have pictures of him?" Natasha asked.
"No, she said he didn't know about me. She said he was too busy for me." Serena muttered sadly.

Upon hearing this Natasha rolled her eyes and held Serena close. From what Serena had told her about her mother, she already didn't like her. It seemed like all that woman cared about was herself and no one else, not even her own daughter.
"Well, what do you think he looks?"
"I think he's as tall as the trees, he has dark hair but it's not too dark, and maybe soft brown eyes. It honestly doesn't matter what he looks like. I'll love him no matter what." Serena said confidently.

Natasha smiled, everyone at shield was already in the know as to whom was Serena Adams' biological father.
"I'm sure he'd love you just as much, if not more."
"Do you think my mother loved me?"

Natasha looked at Serena and said,"I think your mother loved you in her own unique way but, I think it was a mistake to leave you here. You're already seven years old, you deserve so much in life, little flower."
"But, if she hadn't left me here I wouldn't have met you. You're my mother too." Serena said as she smiled happily. 

Natasha looked over at Serena as she tried her best not to cry. She was tearing up a little as she smiled and held Serena closer to her.

"You really are too precious for this world, little flower."

AN; wow wow, look who updated finally, if it wasn't already known, the chapters in italics are memories/flashbacks and I really wanted to write this one that truly showed what Natasha was for Serena and how close they got over the course of time and how much she valued Natasha. Serena is a character that's kind of complex, over time she has closed herself off. She's not someone who opens up easily hence why she was so sarcastic and kind of closed off with Natasha in the fight scene in Berlin. And I have no plans on making them go back to being so close so quickly but, eventually, Natasha will break through the walls that surround her heart and she will be an important person to Serena. And if it wasn't already known Natasha did train Serena.  Stay tuned for more, 💕

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