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:-:Ashley Flashback:-:

As Chris and I had walked away from what just happened with Josh, I was still scared and afraid of it happening to me again or Chris. As we walked I was holding onto Chris arm tight as he walked leading us back to the cabin he kept stopping us just to make sure that I was alright I always told him I was but I wasn't because I felt bad that he had just lost his best friend. As we came to the cable car we sat down I kept looking down twiddling with my thumbs hoping Chris wouldn't see but I guess he did "Ash what's wrong" Chris said walking over to the other side of the picnic table "nothing" I said looking down Chris sat beside me " I can tell something wrong Ash, please tell me what's wrong" I listened to Chris but I could feel the tears coming so I just looked away from him I heard him sigh and then I felt his hands on mine which i just started to break down crying Chris hugged me as I cried "Ash,shhh I'm here for you" Chris said I kept my head on his chest crying, he kept holding me it felt nice to have someone I care about be here by my side. As we had started to walk again I kept looking around hearing things Chris kept looking at me but I told him it was just my head messing with me but then we heard a noise we never heard before and I was scared, I had wrapped my arms around Chris arm scared I kept looking behind us but then I felt Chris hand on my arm I looked at him but he was looking straight I sighed as I saw something behind that scared me and I let go of his arms and looked behind us Chris also turned around he walked beside me and grabbed my arm "Ash, don't worry I'm right here"I heard him say I smiled as he and I continued to walk to the lodge I still held onto Chris arm like he would disappear if I let go of him, I could tell he was looking at me I let go of his arm "sorry" I said but I felt Chris put his arms around me I started to blush I heard Chris laugh I looked at him "what's so funny" I said looking at him he looked at me and smiled at me "your nerd" I said laughing walking with him to the lodge. When we had gotten back to the lodge I sat down on the couch sighing in relief being able to relax for just a moment "what if that thing comes back for us" I said to myself quietly but I guess Chris heard me "if he does then he'll have to deal with me before he tries to get you" I sat up looking at Chris who was trying to get the fire started I laid back down "yeah" I said watching Chris get frustrated over the fire, I got up and asked him for the lighter and I started the fire it was funny watching Chris reaction but I walked back to the couch and laid back down. After a while Chris had sat on the couch too but he looked worried "Chris?" I said he looked at me "what's wrong"I said looking at Chris worried he looked back at me "it's nothing Ash don't worry about it" as he said that I had moved over by him and laid against him I could feel him smile I smiled too but I wished we could stay like that forever "Ash,do you think this nightmare will end" I looked at him but I laid my head back against his shoulder as he laid his head on top of mine "I hope so" I said I could tell he was smiling and it made me smile too that I could help him relax for just a while.

-:-End of Ashley Flashback-:-

As Ashley woke up she looked around and then looked at her phone and saw a text from Chris which made her smile " I guess some Flashback can turn to be a great dream" Ashley smiled again reading the text one last time, as she put her phone back she thought about what he meant but she just smiled going back to sleep.

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