The Four Daughters Of Darkness

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Little Authors Note

This chapter will not be about something that happened in the past but this will be the only chapter for a little while that isn't a Flashback or something that happened in the game.

§|§ Ashley POV §|§

As I woke up I sat up and I checked the group that I was in with the girls in the group and someone had changed the same I texted saying if the girls wanted to come into my room they could, after a couple of minutes I looked up to see the girls standing in front of me they all sat on my bed "so we all are good with the name" I heard Jessica said "I love it" I said Jessica smiled at me "we all do" I heard Sam say, I laid back on my bed as the girls ate the chips I had in my room "so what are we doing today sisters" Emily said "coffee, without the guys" I said they all nodded I smiled "you guys can use my room or one of the two bathrooms to get ready if you would like"I said as I grabbed a one of my crop tops, and one of my shorts I guess Jessica noticed " we all should wear a crop top and either shorts,leggings,jeans, or skirts" she said and everyone nodded "everyone has a matching one except, cause she the one who had the idea" Jessica said I felt bad "ok, Ashley leader of this group" I looked at them all and they smiled I nodded and started to get changed.

As I woke up I sat up and I checked the group that I was in with the girls in the group and someone had changed the same I texted saying if the girls wanted to come into my room they could, after a couple of minutes I looked up to see the girls st...

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(This is what the girls are wearing)

As we left my room I shut the door and looked to make sure none of the guys snooping through my or the girls stuff, as we followed Jessica over to the guys I guess they were surprised to see all of us trying to match they all looked at us confused I saw Chris look at me I rubbed my arm "so we are going out for coffee, so if you need something just text one of us or text Ash cause this is her apartment" Jessica said I nodded as all the girls did I looked down but I felt Jessica tap me I looked at her and she smiled I put a fake smile on and followed the rest of the girls out to Jessica car. As we were driving to a coffee I kept looking out the window as the girls sang songs I sighed looking at my phone I had enough and I texted Chris

(The names are different because these are both from each other phone
For Ashley in Chris phone is: ❤️My Player Two🎮
For Chris in Ashley phone is: ☺️My Player One🎮
So yeah don't judge them or me XD)

My player two: hey
My player one: wow that was fast,bored of the girls already?
My player two: no, I just feel out of place, they are all singing to these songs I don't know....
My player one: oh....hey Ash it's ok there's nothing wrong not knowing the lyrics
My player two: ok.....
My player one: hey Ash.....
My player two: yes?
My player one:don't forget I'm hear and if you feel out of place text me or if you really need to you can call me, you know that right?
My player two: yes I know Chris
My player one: ok good 🙃
My player two: oh very funny Chris
My player one: hey it was worth a shot
My player two: ok, I'll probably text you soon but talk to you then
My player one: ok Ash, talk to you later have fun
My player two: I guess

As I noticed we are at the place I got out and looked at the place "wow" I said Jessica looked at me "like this place" I heard her say I nodded and I saw the other girls smile " ok let's go get coffee" Sam said walking in and we all followed her. As we sat at our table and drunk our coffee I had noticed people kept looking at our table I looked down at my phone and opened it and went to text Chris

My player two: I'm never wearing what Jessica picked out for me
My player one: why?
I sent a video of the guys I keep catching staring at me
My player one: oh, if I was there I would do something
My player two: I know Chris, Jessica said she's going to talk to them but I think she might bring them back to our table which I don't like
My player one: hey I'm right here Ash don't worry
My player two: ok...
My player one: Ash it will be alright, is Sam sitting next to you?
My player two: yes
My player one: ok she knows and she told me she will do something to them if they try anything ok?
My player two: thanks Chris
My player one: of course, anything for you
I smiled as I put my phone back on the table Sam looked at me and i nodded at her our sign for that we are going to be prepared for something that we are both involved in she nodded back at me. As Jessica and Emily walked back over to our table with four guys behind them I got up and walked out done with that not wanting to have anything to do with that. When I was outside I sat at a table far away from the windows and I grabbed my phone again and called Chris as I tried to calm myself down but he didn't answer and I started to cry more but I noticed a car that reminded me of Chris but I saw him get out I walked over to him and he had his arms opened I walked into him arms and cried into his chest "shhhhh I'm hear Ash" I heard him say I just kept my head there as I felt him rub my back but I heard footsteps which scared me but when I turned around I saw Sam walk towards me "I'm taking her back to her apartment" I heard Chris say I looked at him "ok,just stay by her side,ok?" I looked at Sam and then Chris Chris let go of me I walked over to Sam "your ok going back Jessica is ok with you leaving so don't worry" I looked at Sam she smiled and whipped my tears "hey it's ok, I understand so go have some fun with your gaming buddy" Sam said putting her arms on my arms I nodded and I hugged and she hugged me back "bye Sam" I said walking back over to Chris "bye  Ash" I heard her say as she waved at me. As Chris had started his car and started to drive I kept looking at the window but I felt a hand on my hand that was on the seat I looked at him and he looked back at me "I'm right her Ash, I'm not leaving again" he said I looked at him and smiled he smiled back at me and I laid my head against his shoulder. As we got back at my apartment I saw Mike and Matt playing nfl 16 Chris walked back to them I followed him to the couch and sat beside and grabbed one of the blankets from my coffee table "that thing opens" I heard Mike said I nodded "you got some pi-" before he could finish I threw three pillows in between Mike and Matt "thanks" I heard him say "yeah" I said as I laid on the couch looking at my phone but I looked at Chris "so where am I supposed to sit" I heard Chris say sarcastically I moved my feet all the way to the end " only way to sit here is if you let my legs rest on your lap I said as a joke but Chris sat down "good ahead" I heard him say I laughed a little and laid my legs on his legs "so me and Matt are going out for lunch" I heard mike say standing up turning off my Xbox " ok have fun" I heard Chris say "thanks dad" I heard Mike say and I laughed as I heard my front door close, I sighed as I looked at my phone "god, why is life boring" I said putting my phone on the coffee table "no one knows,what do you want to do" I heard Chris say I sat up "aww I liked having you close to me" I heard Chris say I looked at him and rolled my eyes I heard him laugh I got up and walked to my kitchen grabbing a soda can, when I sat back on the couch I saw Chris move closer to me but he took my drink "hey" I said but Chris stood up " if you want you have to reach for it" I heard him say which brought back and memories in middle

&-& Ashley Flashback &-&

As I walked to my locker I had tried to grab one of my books on my top shelf but someone came from behind me and took my book "hey shorty, you have to reach for it pipsquick" a girl named Amanda who I thought was my friend but I figured later on she just used me to get closer to Chris " hey give me that back" I said trying to grab it Amanda's friend came over to us and hit my stuff out of my hands and took my book bag and dumped everything out of it I started to become worried but then I heard footsteps when I looked I saw Sam,Chris, Mike,Emily, Matt and Josh standing in front of me I saw Chris take my book from Amanda I got up but a girl from Amanda pushed me back down but that's when I heard a smack and then a pain on my face "you don't touch her" I heard Sam, Emily and Jessica said I looked at them,Chris  had bent down and held out his hand for me and I cried he helped me up and held me as the rest of our group helped

&-& End of Ashley Flashback &-&

When I looked at Chris he looked at me scared "I.. I'm sorry Ash I forgot" i heard him say as he handed my can back that was open, I set the can down and hugged him he hugged me back I was happy to be in his arms "hey Ash" I heard him say I looked at him but he kissed me which surprised me but I was happy and kissed him back, but what we didn't know that the girls had taken a picture and went back out of my apartment and stayed there until they knew we where done.

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