All I Need Is Her By My Side

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As we had all had started to get settled into the lodge again I had walked over to the guys sitting down with them "so who's ready to have fun this time" Josh said looking at all of us,Mike had grabbed his bag and pulled out something from his I was confused and so was Matt "aww come on guys lighten up,this could lead to some fun with the girls" Mike said smirking at me and Matt "no Mike,just no" I said getting up "lighten up Chris, you could have some fun with Ash you know" Josh said nudging me I shook my head "come on Matt,let's get away from these jerks" I said walking out with Matt following me. As we walked down stairs Matt had walked over to Emily as I walked over to the couch, i poked Ashley which made her laugh a little which is nice to see after not seeing for a while. As we all had started to get relaxed I had gone on my phone and started to play a game with Ash, I had noticed that the others had gone to sleep but they had gone to rooms I had set my phone down to charge I saw Ashley laying on the floor I grabbed my phone and texted her to come sit on the couch I was on,she looked at me I put my hand out for her to grab to help her up she smiled and got up and sat down next to me I had put my pillow under my head and laid down "wait, wouldn't that be uncomfortable for you" she said i looked at her "just lay down on my back it'll be fine" I said I saw her sign as she laid on my back I had smiled and closed my eyes I felt her lay her head on my back and I smiled, it was nice to have her so close to me.I smiled as I could feel her breathing I had waited until I could tell she was asleep until I feel asleep because I wanted her to feel safe. I had the best night sleep that night but I wouldn't be able to understand what was about to start the next morning....

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