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I walked down into what seemed liked another hotel under the lodge that the group was at, I still couldn't believe that someone was here to hurt us. I was still scared but I knew that Ash was scared I had started to worry more about her after what happened with Josh, she was still on edge but I made sure she was ok. As we got to the stairs to go down further Ash stopped "you know what? No" I heard her say I sighed "Ash-" "No! I've had enough! I'm not going down any further into this nightmare,Chris!" I sighed as I listened to her "Ashley... I understand, okay? I'm really freaked out too. But if Sam's down there all alone with a manic... and we leave? We're basically killing her ourselves" I said I could see she was listening but I still knew even if I tried to convince her she would still be scared "I know... I know.... I just.... I don't think I can do it!" I saw as she talked I could see she understood but she was still worried about something like what happened with her and Josh happen again " yeah it's not looking good,huh" I said I saw her sigh ".... I'm just really scared, Chris" I could tell she was scared I looked at her knowing what I was going to say to at least try to help her calm down "I'm scared too. But I got your back, okay?" I had walked closer to her to make sure she knew she was alone as I saw she looked at me " as long as you got mine?" I looked at her I saw she understood "I do" I heard her say we backed away from each other "um... yeah. So let's get this over with, I guess" I said as we started to walk down further. After we had found Sam passed out tied to a chair I saw Ash go back into her scare state I looked at her but then I felt something or someone put something on my face but I passed out the last thing I heard from Ash was her saying stay away from her I felt powerless as I passed out. When I regain conscious again I looked around "oh god my head hurts... ugh" I said I looked at Ash seeing she was still passed out "Ash?" I said seeing if she would hear me "ASH!"I saw her sit back up "Aw Jesus, Ash- what did he do to you?" I said looking at Ash seeing she had a black eye which made me feel bad that I could have protected her from that I saw her look at me "I...I think... he hit me..." as I heard her say that I felt bad " shit. I'm going to murder his fucking face off" I said looking at Ash but she kept looking around, as I tried to get the stuff that was on my one arm I heard Ash " what is this?..." I looked at her " this is him. This is the guy who killed josh-" "no.Chris..." I looked at Ash I could see the fear in her eyes "oh my god no!! Oh god... Chris!" I had started to get angrier because of what he was doing to Ash and me " you murdering piece of shit" I said looking at the camera I saw that Ash had noticed I looked around " you MONSTER!" I said pissed off  look around! We're going to die Chris-  I don't think I'm ready to die...." I heard Ash say I looked at her "no- one is going to die" I said looking at her I could see she was freaking out " I wish I could tell you.... It's just not fair!" I looked at Ash confused at what she meant " what?...." I said I looked at her confused but I knew I could at least try to calm her down "tell me what?" I said looking at her  I saw her shake her head " it's too late! Chris, what's the point?!" I looked at her feeling bad that I couldn't at least be closer to her to help her "Stop it,just say..." I said looking at her she was looking back at me " we're always talking around it, and now, I mean, we've wasted everything!" I looked at her as she shakes her head as she talked " Ashley.... none of it was wasted" I said trying to see if I could calm her down I saw her look at me confused "what do you mean?" I sighed ready to tell her how I felt "every second that I spent with you was the only thing I ever wanted to do with my time" I said looking at Ash I hoped she understood what I was trying to say "what are you saying,Chris?" I hear her say "I'm sorry.... I should have told you how I felt" I said looking at her as I could tell I had finally got her attention about what I was saying " Chris....!" I sighed seeing she was still afraid "Ashley, I swear, when we get out of this-" before I could finish we both looked up and saw the saw start moving, now I was just afraid at what was going to happen " oh god!"I said now afraid of losing Ash "AHH!" I heard her scream "no! Help,Chris" I heard her say and now I knew that I had to do something to stop theses from hurting Ash " Ashley- I'll get you out of this! I won't let you die!" I knew after I said that I had just made a promise to her and myself to get her out of this but then I heard something and I knew what it was " hello there my special little subjects" I heard the psycho say "ah shit" I said looking around I looked back at Ash "I'm so scared Chris-" "don't be scared-" I looked at Ash but heard the psycho start talking again " oh,you should be, Ash, because here's the twist. Chris has made one fatal choice already today..." as I was listening scared I heard Ash started saying something "oh no...no..." I looked down not ready for what that psycho was going to say next " and now he must make another. Chris.... you can take that gun in front of you and shoot Ashley, or you can shoot yourself. Whoever is left, can live! The choice is yours" I listened but then I tried to shoot the saws and it did nothing I looked up trying to figure out what to do but I knew I was going to shoot Ash... I could never do that to the person I care... no the person I love "don't be so silly,Chris" I looked around and I was starting to relix the scenario me and Ash are in, as I pointed the gun at myself I saw Ash look at me scared " wait stop, you can't do it Chris, it should be me. You choose to save me before, let me choose this time... let me choose to save you" I listened to Ash as she talked it was painful to listen to hear she was saying "oh fuck!" I said I saw her look at me with those light green eyes that are so beautiful to me "if I do one last thing in my life let me do this!" I heard her say, I knew it was also painful for her and me to be in this place "Chris,please. Oh god....".

*|*Sam's POV *|*

When I woke up I saw Mike in front of me  "Sam..sam..sam,wake up" I heard him say "Mike is that you?!"I said looking at him "shhh!" I looked at him confused "what?" I said he motioned to come over to him " get over here!" I heard him say so I started to move the rolling chair over to the thing Mike was at and he started to burn the things off of my arms "ow..ow,go" I said as I got my arms freed and I started to get the rope off of my feet.after I had changed me and Mike  we heard Chris and Ashley which we were confused "what was that?" I said to Mike he stopped "is that crying?" He said I looked at him and we walked to a meta and we pushed getting it open we saw Chris and Ashley tied up to chairs and we saw the psycho walk out of somewhere I looked at Mike "Noo! No no no! Get away!!!" I heard Ash say I looked at them  I saw Chris start trying to shoot the psycho "oh Chris.. oh Chris,Chris,Chris,Chris" I saw the psycho walk closer to them and I started get more worried about them I started to walk closer so did Mike "what the fuck!?" I heard Chris say looking at the gun I looked back at the psycho "oh you've heard of blanks before" I heard the psycho say, me and Mike started to walk closer as we felt that psycho might try to do something to Ash and Chris.

=X=Chris POV =X=

After everything that had happened with me and Ash and figuring out that Josh was the psycho we were all mad at him but we tied him up in the room me and Ash were in, I wanted to make sure Ash was ok since Sam was trying to help her. I had gone to the room Sam told me she would take Ash to, I knocked on the door and Sam opened it and nodded at me as she walked out of the room I saw Ash look at me she walked over to me and hugged me I hugged her back happy to have her back in my arms, I felt her shake and I looked at her and sighed mad that Josh would do this to us, I kissed her head and held her tight trying to protect from what had happened "hey...Chris" I heard her say I looked at her and she was looking at me "do you think...this nightmare will ever end" I looked at her as she talked I sighed as she laid her head against my chest as I still held her not ready to let her go out of my arms "I don't know...Ash, but all I know is that I'm got your back and I know you have mine and we will do everything we can protect each other...right" I said as held her close to me "yes...Chris.....yes" I heard her say I smiled and held her for a couple of more minutes before we walked back down stairs to were Mike and Sam, but as we walked out of the room i felt Ash intertwined her hand with mine I smiled at her and she smiled back.... god.... that smile will never get old......

Little Authors Note

If you played Until Dawn you would have noticed I used the lines from the game, I did and I didn't make it so yeah those line are owned   by the game. Just had to put this because I knew there's some people who will tell me that I didn't have a right to use the lines.... don't be that person
So enjoy this chapter
(Don't mind the tittle, I had to get that quote in the title so I did that to fit it, so yeah)
Wolf out✌🏼

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