Medical Issues

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I casually flip through an old book while Eli is out of the room. He said he would go talk to his dad for me. I stare at the unknown language and stare for a long time. Sammael said that there is still Demon in me and I'm trying hard to make sense of this language. I stare hard at the handwritten words and my head starts to hurt while the lights start to seem too bright. I shut my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. I shut the book and open one that seems to be in English. I try to read, but the words wobble on the page and I can't focus on it. I blink repeatedly to try and get it to stop but it doesn't and suddenly the words don't even look like words, just jumbled letters on a page. I look away from the page and look across the room. The lights seem extra bright and the room looks like it is on a tilt.

"Whoa..." I whisper to myself and brace myself against the table covered in books behind me. "Eli?" I mumble and turn back around, closing my eyes while leaning forward against the table. My head is spinning. I open my eyes and blink trying to make the light not so bright. I start to get a pins and needles numbing sensation in one of my arms. What is happening? My head pounds and I go to move toward the bed, but my legs don't work correctly and I start going down. I try to catch myself on the table, but all I do is drag down a bunch of books with me. My vision goes completely black before I even hit the ground.


"Are we close?" I question since I don't know this place at all. I look over at Zerach and Azrael.

"Kind of? But not really?" We take a turn. After Mammon took Trinity away, we walked a little further and ended up entering into a labyrinth. The path is always changing and splitting into several different paths around us. Sometimes I look behind us and it looks nothing like what it did when we were walking past it. I miss Trinity and I want to see her and make sure that she is okay. I know Mammon wouldn't let her get hurt especially with whatever is wrong with him now. Part of me hopes that since Dominic is also in Hell that he too will keep her safe.


"Yes, Father." I nod slightly and turn, going to the door of the room to leave. I shut the door silently behind me and start to head off to leave the palace.

"Asmodeus, Get to my room now!" Eli's voice is extremely urgent in my head suddenly so I open a passage and step through it into Eli's room. My heart tightens at the sight. Trinity is on the ground convulsing violently and Eli is on his knees next to her, holding her on her side. A pillow is under her head. There are a bunch of books on the floor around her. Eli is freaked out. I go to them and drop to my knees too.

"What happened?" I question frantically and move her hair out of her face. She suddenly stops convulsing, stops moving at all. The room falls deadly quiet.

"I don't know." Eli responds. "I left the room and when I came back she was on the ground having a seizure." Eli quickly sweeps her up and takes her over to his bed. She doesn't move and she is breathing very rapidly.

"What's wrong with her?" Eli asks me and I give the back of his head a confused look.

"How would I know?" I question back and he turns around fast.

"Because you have been with her longer than I." He replies and the look on his face is one that I have never seen on his face before. Ever. He is devastated and distraught over Trinity's condition. He's desperately in love with her. Aren't we all...

"She... had a stroke?" Our mother, Lilith, says sounding confused while leaning over Trinity with a single hand on her cheek. Mother just knows everything of someone's heath.

"A stroke? How? Why?" Eli questions rapidly.

"It was from a bleeding vessel in her brain, but it stopped on its own." Mother replies and follows a strand of Trinity's hair down to the end. "She should be fine..." There's something she is not saying.

"When will she wake up?" I question.

"I'm not sure, but she's been through a lot and she needs rest. Time for her body to recover and time for her brain to heal and sort out whatever is going on." She stands and smooths out the dress she is wearing. She kisses both of us on the cheek and then leaves.

"Asmodeus!" Sammael's voice echoes loudly in my head and I take a step back from Trinity. I turn to leave in order to keep my deal with him and to keep him from breaking it.


It's burning hot. I feel like my skin is burning off and my hair is on fire. It feels like my blood is lava. My mouth is dry like a desert. There is a heavy weight on my chest like something is crushing against it. I can't breathe in or out.

I struggle to open my eyes and when I do I am surrounded by snow. I rapidly sit up, looking around. Even without any signs to tell me where I am, I know I am in the Pits. How? I slowly get to my feet and the heat in my veins and skin begins to fade and the cold starts to set in. I spin in a circle. Is this a dream? Or am I actually in The Pits? If so, how in the world did I get here?

"Find me." An unknown powerful voice fills my head and I spin around. Who...?

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