More Plans

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"Is everyone okay?" I question concerned that he is contacting me like this and not in person.

"Everyone is fine. We're in Heaven." I nod.

"Is Heaven back open? Can you guys come back now?" He looks down at the snow.

"No... We're in Heaven, but we are trapped in a sublevel." He looks back at me and his facial expression seems very worried.

"Trapped? How?" I question and he starts shaking his head.

"I don't know. There is not an exit back to the mortal realm from here and the door into actual Heaven where we need to be is for some reason inaccessible, no matter how much we walk to it we get no closer." He explains and I'm confused on the situation.

"What are you guys going to do? How are you going to get out?" I question and he moves to walk forward, but rapidly looks to the side like he hears something. He snaps out of it and walks to me.

"I need you to summon me out of here. It opens a door for me and I'll bring Azrael and Etheriel through it with me."

"How do I summon you?" I question and he takes off his shirt quickly, revealing his many 'tattoos'. He points to a symbol on his ribs. It's a sigil almost like Dominics. It's abstract and intricate.

"You need to draw this or paint this somewhere in a place that is unwarded from Angels. Then you're going to put some of your blood on it." This all sounds familiar from the story Dominic told me about Irene being killed and him being summoned and that time Etheriel and I were being tortured in Heaven. "There's usually a incantation you have to say, but you can't just focus hard, keep your mind clear, and say my name. Might have to say it several times, but that should be good enough to open the door for me." I nod. I start examining the sigil closely. While I have my fingertips on it, staring, it suddenly becomes blurry and I look up at Zerach.

"What's happening?" His face is out of focused.

"I'm losing hold on this dreamscape. Something must be happening where you are. Wake up. Summon me. Please Trinity." I nod and go in for a hug.

I sit up fast and look around. The torch light flickers around the room and it is silent. I get out of the bed and look around for something to draw with. I leave my room after not being able to find anything. When I walk out of my room, I see Dominic and Eli in the main room talking. I don't see Beleth or Belphegor. I quickly walk into the main room and both Dominic and Eli look at me.

"How'd you sleep?" Dominic asks and Eli starts walking to me.

"Zerach contacted me, they're trapped in Heaven. They need me to summon him." Eli stops walking and they both look confused.

"What?" Dominic shakes his head.

"You can't trust that. Any demon could have got into your head and disguised as Zerach, Trinity." Dominic says and I shake my head this time.

"No, it was him. I know it. Their trapped." My voice turns pleading.

"I have to agree with Asmodeus..." Eli says quietly and my shoulders sink down.

"Where's Beleth?" I question.

"I'm right here." I turn around and see he just came from the steps that lead downstairs. "What's wrong?" He questions and tilts his head, looking down at me.

"Thet're trapped in Heaven, they need me to get them out." Beleth furrows his eyebrows together and slowly takes my hand. I freeze and I know he's looking at my conversations with Zerach. A minute passes and Beleth lets go of me.

"They're correct... We can't know for sure that's him." I frown.

"Then let me summon him and protect me if it's not him. Please..." I beg and grab onto his shirt.

"I can't let you get hurt, Trinity." Beleth speaks lowly. My shoulders completely drop in defeat. I walk past him and back towards my room. I have to at least try. I keep the door open and go and lay on the bed.

All day I listen to everyone walking around, cleaning up the place. At some point, I hear them all go into the room down the stairs and I get up. I look out the door and seeing no one, I quickly and quietly walk into the main room and to the front door. I open it just enough to slip through and out into the dark. It's super humid and damp. I walk away from the old building and into the trees towards the sound of running water and away from the light of the burning torches outside the building. I run into a stream and glance back at the flickering light through the trees. I'll summon him here. I look around for a stick and end up breaking off a branch from a tree. I start drawing in the mud Zerach's symbol from memory. It takes a little bit, but eventually I complete the symbol to what I believe is it. I grab a kind of sharp rock from the stream and in one quick motion slice open my palm. I hold back a whimper from the intense pain and clench my fist. I hold out my hand over the sigil in the ground and let the blood drip onto it. I close my eyes and focus on Zerach.

"Zerachiel..." I say and wait a couple seconds before saying it again a little louder, "Zerachiel." I wait and open my eyes, looking around. Nothing changes. My hand continues to bleed heavily onto the sigil. "Zerachiel?" I look around. I hear an animal move in the underbrush across the stream and I stare in that direction, hoping it's nothing dangerous. I bring my hand back to my body and hold it tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. Time passes and I sit down, examining the sigil. Did I mess it up? I close my eyes again and focus hard.

"Zerachiel... Come on, can you hear me? What's wrong?" I say out loud, feeling like I am just talking to myself. Something moves in the plants behind me and I whip around, on my knees now and get dizzy. "Hello?" I question wondering if Beleth, Belphegor, Eli, or Dominic came outside to find me. I hear nothing else besides the noises of insects after that.

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