Many Changes

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When I open my eyes again, I am shivering in someone's arms, soaking wet. I am on the ground as someone holds me against their chest. I can see the river a few feet from us. My eyes slowly move around and I can feel a dull tingling sensation throughout my entire body along with profound heaviness.

"He's opened his eyes." I hear Belphegor say several feet from me and whoever is holding me. The person holding me shifts and they move to look at my face.

"She's awake too." Etheriel says, letting out a loud sigh of relief. I push myself up to a full sitting up position with some struggle because of stiffness and I look back at where Belphegor's voice came from. Beleth lies on his back a couple feet from the river and he is completely drenched like me. He rolls onto his side and pushes himself up stiffly. He must be feeling exactly what I am. Beleth looks over at me immediately and he smiles.

How are you? His voice slides easily into my thoughts.

I'm fine. He seems instantly relieved although I never said anything and I become slightly confused. How did you understand? His smile grows slightly larger.

We share partial consciousness which means we can communicate like this easily. He begins to stand up, looking at the people around us. Etheriel holds me while Eli stands next to him with a concerned look. Belphegor and Dominic are by Beleth's side while Azrael stands next to a tree, surveying the situation and Zerach is standing a few feet from Etheriel and I, watching me. The self-inflicted cut on my hand is gone completely.

We share partial consciousness? I look back toward Beleth who is now on his feet and approaches me.

Like I said, that ritual brought us together more than just giving you my lifespan. He stops next to me, staring down at me while he offers his hand to me. I stare up into his eyes, processing and trying to make sense of what has actually happened to us. You'll notice that many things have changed now.

"Trinity?" I was about to ask him what he meant, but Etheriel's concerned voice interrupts me and makes me realize that everyone is watching us. I reach up and take Beleth's warm hand, sending a comforting buzz up my arm and into my body. He helps me up and his hand lingers on mine before he finally lets go.

"Are you feeling okay?" Eli asks concerned and examines me closely, looking for any sign that I am hurt.

"I'm okay." I reply quietly and give him a reassuring smile.

"We've been out of the warding too long. We should head back." Beleth speaks up and he begins to walk back toward the old temple we are staying in. I feel pulled towards him and my feet begin to move on their own, following him back. In fact, I can feel his presence strongly even from the few yards ahead of me he is. Is this one of the changes he mentioned? Etheriel quickly comes up beside me and walks next to me as my feet autopilot after Beleth. I hear several pairs of footsteps behind us as everyone else begins to follow. My wet clothes cling to me awkwardly as I walk and I just want to get inside to change out of these clothes. As soon as we enter back into the building, I force myself to break away from following Beleth and head to my room to change. I close the bedroom door behind me and begin to dig around my luggage. I peel off my wet clothing and pull on warm dry ones. I leave my room and head toward the main room where I am feeling pulled to. I step down into the main room and see Dominic and Beleth standing with each other. Beleth turns toward me despite me not even making a sound and Dominic also glances before looking back at me surprised to see me because he didn't hear me enter the room. Beleth and I stare at each other; obviously aware of the pull we feel toward each other. I reach my thoughts out to him.

Is this... pull a part of the bond? I ask him and he tilts his head, smiling. He is clearly pleased that I have decided to communicate with him like this. Privately.

It is indeed. This feeling of being overly aware of each other's presence will take some time to get use to. I force a smile and notice Dominic narrowing his eyes as he looks between us, unsure of what is happening in the long silence that has passed since Beleth and I have been staring at each other.

Being able to talk like this will take some time for me to get use to. He nods silently.

"Are you hungry?" Zerach walks into the room and we all turn to look at him. His question is clearly directed at me since I am the only one who needs to eat to survive.

"Yes, she is." Beleth answers for me and we look at him who is back to staring at me. How did he know? Zerach nods and starts to head toward the exit to go out and get something to eat. Probably fish since that is the easiest to get. Zerach leaves and I turn back to Beleth and Dominic.

"Where's Etheriel?" I ask and Dominic motions to the stairs going down near me back in the hall.

"He went downstairs." Dominic replies and I nod, turning and heading down. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see that there are many bookshelves reaching to the ceiling down here with tons of old books along with crates and barrels in the corner. I search between the bookshelves until I find Etheriel, standing in one of the aisles staring down at a book in his hands. He looks over at me when I move toward him and he smiles.

"Hey." He shuts the book and puts it back on the bookshelf in front of him. He closes the distance between us and presses his lips to mine gently. I lean toward him and wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He pulls away, but remains inches from my face while he peers into my eyes.

"How are you? Do you feel any different?" He asks lightly and reaches up, pushing some hair behind my ear.

"I feel a little different, but I'm fine." I reply and he nods, leaning away all the way while smiling down at me.

"It's relieving knowing that you have that sort of protection on you." Etheriel speaks quietly in this library like space. I smile up at him.

"It means that I won't be separated from you." I reply equally as quiet and he slowly leans down again. Our lips lock and he backs me up into one of the old bookshelves. I pull him closer before gripping his shirt and starting to pull it over his head, breaking the kiss momentarily as he takes it off completely. I quickly slip out of my pants and Etheriel reaches down, bracing me before picking me up quickly. I wrap my legs tightly around him as his tongue softly strokes mine. He pushes me up against the hard shelves of the bookshelves and I groan lightly against his lips. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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