The Room

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The King, Beleth, does not let me leave his side even after he has explored the city. All the Demons have already begun to set up the celebration that is to happen starting tomorrow morning. Beleth is having me sitting right next to him in a throne in an old castle that apparently was his before he died. It's extremely dusty and kind of a mess from being dead for less than a millennium and not being taken care of. Servants work around cleaning up while Beleth sits in his throne and I'm sitting here next to him. I keep my mouth shut to keep from possibly saying something that will make him blow me up like he did with that demon. I yawn soundlessly, but Beleth immediately looks over. He stands and all the servants immediately turn and bow.

"We are retiring for the night." Beleth announces and I stand up too, following him down the couple steps and we walk out a side door. Beleth walks silently not saying a word. He stops at a pair of ornate double doors. He opens them and gestures for me to enter.

"Your room. If you need anything ring the bell." He gestures to a fancy braided string. "A servant will be here immediately. Closet is full of clothing that should fit you. I had the servants fill it earlier." He looks back down at me. "Sleep well." He leaves, shutting the double doors behind him. I stare at the door for a couple seconds before I turn and take in the very large bedroom. It's about the size of Dominic's and Eli's rooms put together. On the farthest side of the room from me is the king bed with a white sheer canopy bed curtain wrapped around it. Through the sheer curtain, I see the wine-red bedding with dark accents. At the foot of the bed is a black and white ornate longchair with a red throw pillow resting on it. Each side of the bed has dark colored wood nightstands with fancy candelabras on them; candles lit. The walls are beige and have large paintings hanging on them. There is a fireplace off to the right side of the room and a couch and some chairs are facing it. One corner of the bedroom has bookshelves spanning to the very high ceiling, but there are very few books on them. On the other side of the room from the fire place is a wooden table. To the right of the bed is an open door leading into the bathroom and a door further right on the right wall is shut, but is probably a closet. I walk further into the bedroom. The floor is hardwood, but there is a giant rug in the middle of the room. I walk to the door that is shut on the right wall. I open it and walk into the candle lit giant walk in closet.

"Whoa..." It leaves my mouth before I even realize it. The closet is filled with clothes like Beleth said it was. There is a door on the left wall of the closet and I go over to it and open it. It connects to the bathroom. There is an ornate porcelain tub, a walk-in shower that could fit like ten people that has two wide shower heads. There are two sinks and the entire wall the sinks are against is a mirror. I hear the door in the other room open and I quickly leave the bathroom to see who it is. Eli walks in, looking around and Dominic quickly walks in behind him. They both approach me fast.

"Are you okay?" Eli questions and when he reaches me, he puts the back of his hand against my forehead. He stares into my eyes and removes his hand, waiting for my response.

"I'm okay..." I reply and he lets out a relieved sigh. I glance past Eli and at Dominic who is examining the room.

"Come on, we're getting you out of here." Dominic looks at me and takes a few steps closer while gesturing to the door. I nod and start walking toward the door with Eli walking closely beside me. Dominic opens the door and walks out into the hall, looking both ways. Eli walks through the doorway and I hit a wall. Not literally, but it sure feels like it. I take a step back and look around the door frame in shock. Eli whips around and Dominic glances back at me. I press my hand against the invisible wall in front of me.

"He warded her inside." Eli comments and easily steps back into the room.

"He doesn't trust her." Dominic comments and scans the door frame. "Or doesn't trust the people who may try to take her out of this room."

"Can you guys... unward it?" I question


"No." Eli cuts off Dominic. "He warded the room against Angelic beings and Humans and its ancient. I've personally have not seen it before, have you?" Eli questions with light hostility toward Dominic.

"Well no but we could just go to the library and grab an old warding book or ask Father." Dominic suggests. Eli slowly nods.

"Sure. Let's do that then." Eli turns and leans down, kissing my cheek. "I will be back very soon."

"Okay, I'll be okay by myself." I say it to reassure him more than me because he looks like he doesn't want to leave my side. He nods and mumbles an okay. He walks back out the door and they both walk down the hall. I shut the door and turn back to face the room. I walk over to the bed and sit down. I sit and wait for I don't know how long because there are no clocks or anything in the room. Time passes and I end up laying down and dozing off slightly. I wake up to steady knocking on the door and sit up.

"Come in." I say loudly expecting Dominic and Eli to come in. I slide to the edge of the bed as the door opens. Immediately, I feel the immense power spread throughout the room. Beleth strolls into the room with even long strides carrying a black and grey marble tray with a plate and a wine glass with a bottle of wine next to it.

"I've brought you some food." He announces and I stand to take the tray from him. He walks past and sets it down on the foot of the bed. "Lemon-Thyme Roasted Chicken with Asparagus and Potatoes and some Red Wine." I slowly sit back down on the bed and Beleth picks up the wine bottle and pours it into the glass.

"Thank you." I pick up the fork off of the tray and pick up a potato.

"It is no problem. You brought me back from death so bringing you food is the least I can do." He replies and I continue to eat, wondering if he is just going to stand there and watch me.

"How did this war start?" He asks suddenly and I look up at him. "I've been in that death slumber for quite a long time so I am behind on what has happened..."

"Eli... Mammon expelled all Angels from Heaven and locked it up and the tension between Angels and Demons just increased as Angels wanted to find a way back to Heaven and Demons just want to kill the Angels and a war just broke out. People are after me. They want to kill me so my friends have been fighting to protect me which is making things more dangerous and complicated and I don't really get it..."

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