All of Us

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I feel like I sit here forever and my hair feels like I got out of the shower ten minutes ago because of how humid it is and it seems like a light rain started because every once in a while, a drop makes it through the thick layer of leaves and hits me. My hand is still bleeding and I know I need to tend to it because the blood loss has made me light headed; I'm not sure I would be able to walk back inside if I got up. Another animal moves in the plants around me and I don't move. Why isn't this working?

"Zerach..." I plead and look up into the leaves and vines above me. I wait longer and longer until I know I need to get up and take care of my hand. I use a tree to help me stand and I sway heavily. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end and bright light fills my vision for a long second and then goes away. I look back and see the three of them standing there. I let go of the tree and immediately I start going down. Zerach drops and catches me in his arms. Etheriel rushes to my side and finds my bleeding hand.

"What took you so long...?" I mumble fading fast.

"I'm sorry... Time passes differently and it took a second for all of us to travel." Zerach explains and Azrael kneels beside me, taking my bleeding hand from Etheriel. He gently holds my hand in between his two hands and closes his eyes. I blackout.

I begin to stir and immediately notice that my abdomen doesn't hurt anymore. I slowly sit up and feel were the stab wounds should be to find that they are gone; healed. I look at my hand and see that the cut is gone without a scar. Azrael must have healed everything. The door is open and I can hear people talking in the main room. I get up and leave my room, walking toward the main room where I can already see everyone. Zerach is sitting on the floor building something. They all look at me as I get to the entrance of the hall into the main room. Etheriel stands and comes to me quickly, picking me up in a hug.

"It's so good to see you again." He mumbles into my hair. I smile and he sets me down, pulling away from the hug. I look behind him at everyone else. It's weird to see everyone here all together since it's never happened before then I realize everyone is not here. Nathan and Malachai are not here. There must have been a change in my face because Etheriel tilts his head and furrows his eyebrows together.

"What's wrong?" Etheriel questions, confused.

"We haven't been able to find Nathan... and Malachai is in a different location." Belphegor speaks up and I look past Etheriel at him. They haven't been able to find Nathan? Is he even still alive? He was suppose to be with them by now. Why didn't they bring Malachai with them?

"Why isn't Malachai here?" I question and look back and forth between Etheriel and everyone else.

"Because he is unstable and currently a danger to you so we can't bring him here because it is a risk to you." Etheriel replies and my eyes stop and stay on him.

"Why is he a danger to me?" I question and Etheriel starts to think.

"As I told you before, Malachai killed a lot of people so that Azrael would help us and it unhinged him. He was in Barzakh for a reason and it's because he became unstable and they had to put him there." Dominic speaks up.

"He's safer here though where he can't hurt anyone else and we can watch him." I suggest and a few people shift slightly in the other room.

"He can hurt you though." Etheriel speaks softly.

"I won't let him and there are a lot of you here to also keep him in check." They clearly don't want him here.

"I'll fetch him for you." Eli speaks up and he smiles at me. He starts to walk toward the door.

"Are you walking there? Why don't you use a passage? Can I come?" I start to walk toward him and he stops, turning and looking at me.

"Once in this building, we have no power. We can't use passages or summon anything. You can't come, you have to stay here where it is safe." Eli speaks before turning and walking into the hall.

"Are you hungry?"


I step out of my passage and into the brisk air. The parking lot is about half full and I walk in between two cars and up to the motel room door, knocking rapidly. I get no response so I knock again and look around. There's a rotting smell coming from somewhere nearby. Several doors down there is a lady outside smoking. I give a half smile and try the door knob. It turns smoothly and I quickly enter the room. The smell from outside hits immediately and I cover my nose and mouth, starting to breathe through my mouth instead of my nose. I search the wall for the light switch and when I hit it, I slam the door shut. Oh, no. I see what the smell is. There are dead bodies everywhere. There are two queen beds in the room and each of them have several people on them. There are people leaned against the walls and a few just lying on the floor. There's blood all over the white sheets of the beds and dark stains on the floor. The walls break me away from the bodies. In blood, there is angelic writing all over every spot of the wall. I walk further into the room and step over a body as I walk to the bathroom door which is shut. I step over another body and try the door handle. It's locked. I knock loudly. I can sense a angel behind the door.

"Malachai!" I bang on the door more. Come on. No response. I open a passage and step through and out on the other side of the door, in the bathroom. Malachai looks up immediately and his dark red wide eyes meet mine. He is balled up on the floor against the wall, holding his knees to his chest. The bathtub is filled with water and there is a pale naked girl floating some face down in the water.

"Are you here to take me back to Barzakh?" He twitches slightly. It takes me a moment to come out of my shock.

"No... No... Trinity wants me to bring you to everyone. She wants to see you Malachai." I tell him and he starts to shake his head.

"No... I can't control myself.... No, I'll hurt her." He stands up quick and I take a step back.

"No, you won't and if you happen to try we will not let you, but she wants you there, man." I hold out my hand to him. "Trinity wants you there. I can't come back without you." I literally can't.

Grounded ~Book Four of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now