🍋2~Lance x Reader (lemon)🍋

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~~~Head over heals for those bad pick-up lines~~~



"Alright everyone, i'm heading off to bed. Going on that mission wore me out," I stand up and stretch as I say goodnight to the paladins.

"Goodnight, sleep well!" Allura said. I look at Lance before I walk out and notice he's staring at me. I blush and quickly walk to my room, smiling softly as I think of him. I finally get to my room and I fall into my bed, exhausted. I take a deep breath as I rip my uniform off and throw it on the floor carelessly.

"He's so freaking adorable!" I squeal as I hug one of my pillows tightly. My bed was covered in pillows and blankets, sometimes I'd imagine Lance was one of the pillows. I'd cuddle that thing all night, and it actually helped me sleep.

I get cozy and get under all of the blankets and surround myself in pillows, wearing nothing but underwear and an over-sized tee. The Christmas lights hanging around my room gave me just enough light to where I could sleep. I dream about him all night, to wake to another day of tiring training.

"Y/n, Y/n!" I woke to someone vigorously shaking me and yelling in my face. "What?! What?!" I opened my eyes thinking that we were getting attacked."Wake up dumb head, you were supposed to be up hours ago," Pidge nagged me as she throws my work uniform at my face. "Oh come on Pidge, you HAD to wake me up?" I groan and pull the sheets over my head. Me and pidge have been friends since elementary school, she was the only one allowed in my room when i'm not awake or there. We were basically joined at the hip at this point.

"Yes! Lance was worried too, he wouldn't stop bugging me to come wake you up," I could hear the smirk on her face as I shot up from my blankets."Really!? He was!?" Pidge knows that I have a huge crush on Lance, but she keeps it a secret from the others. That's my girl! "Yup, so you better get dressed before he has a panic attack and starts listing ways you could've died." She leaves the room to let's me get dressed and waits outside my door.

I quickly get dressed and we both walk down to the training deck where all the rest of the paladins were. "I found her, she was in a coma." Pidge nudged my arm and I chuckled nervously. "Hey, a queen does need her beauty sleep~" Lance cooed as he walked up to me, smirking. I felt the heat rush into my cheeks. His built body covered in small beads of sweat against his caramel coated muscles made me weak. And his skin...don't get me started on his skin...

I was basically drooling as I stood there daydreaming about him. "Well, I wouldn't say I'm a queen," I look up at him as he puts his bayard away. "I would, you could be my queen at anytime of the day~" he continues and I blush even more, but gain a bit of confidence as I try my best to flirt back. I could hear Keith throwing up in the background as Lance and I flirted horribly.

"Then who will be my king?~" I ask giving him a slight smirk, placing my hand on my hip and giving him all the sass. "Oh, the one and only of course~" he did a pose and I giggled at his silliness. "You're too cute~," those words spilled right out of my mouth. I never meant to say it aloud. But in the moment it was the only thing I was thinking about.

I quickly covered my mouth and blushed even more as he looks at me smirking. I notice a soft shade of pink across his cheeks. We both kept eye contact for which felt like the longest time. "I totally ship it," Pidge and Hunk say at the same time.

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