7~ Lance's Path

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I looked up into his ocean blue eyes and that's when I knew that he was the one.

I could tell at that very moment that I wanted him and only him.

"How could I say no to you?~"

I blushed deeply, not expecting him to answer so quickly.

"O-okay, then let's go to your room shall we?" she took my hand led me to my room.

I followed close behind him. My mind was going so crazy at this point.

After we got to my room and he made himself comfortable on my bed, he patted the space beside him, motioning me to sit next to him.

"Has anyone told you that you were so beautiful?~"

Right when I sat down next to him, he immediately started flirting with me. Heh, typical Lance.

I blushed and smiled as I sat next to him.

"Has anyone told you that you were so sexy?~"

He smiled and pulled me closer. "Yes someone has, do you know who that might be?"

We were both looking so deep into each other's eyes, that we got lost in them.

"I don't have a clue~"

Our lips were so close to touching. He placed his thumb and index finger on my chin and lifted my face up a bit.

"I'll tell you later. But right now, I have a more important thing to do~"

I closed my eyes and slowly began to fill the gap.

"Y/N LOOK WHAT I FOU- oh um...am...am I interrupting something?"

Pidge barged into my room holding a wierd space thing in her hands.  Once she saw us, her excitement lowered way down.

"AH! Pidge what the heck are you doing?!?!??!?"

I blush deeply and push lances face away from mine and shot up from my bed.

"sorry, sorry. You guys can go back to what you were doing. I'll just have to show you later."

And with that she walked out, leaving me and Lance alone.

He pulled me by my waist and pushed his body right up against mine.

"Now where were we?~" He grabbed my cheeks and kissed me passionately yet softly.

I kissed him back deeply and desperately. I felt like I have been dying for his soft lips against mine.

He pulled away briefly and sat me on my bed. He pinned me down and kissed me again, this time deeper.

His tongue pushed through my lips and swirled around mine.

My head was overwhelmed by endless thoughts.

Is this even real??? Does he actually like me???

I had no clue but I kept kissing him. It was like heaven having him with me like this.

Now that I think about it, I've never seen Lance like this. The way he is now, all passionate and loving.

For what seemed like a life time, he pulled away from my lips by starred straight into my eyes.

"I love you y/n. I always have. And now that I actually have you, I don't feel alone anymore. "

His words filled my heart. I blushed heavily taking in all the things he's said.

"I-I love you too, Lance. I'm so happy that I do."

After talking more and flirting non-stop, we cuddled up together and slept the night away, only to awaken to a whole new day.


Okay there you guys have it.

I'm thinking of doing one with pidge but not a romantic relationship thing, you know? Like You, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge ready to explore the universe!! But then you and pidge are closer since you are both girls. So I might do that. Actually., I will do that. Anyway I'm at school RN so I better do my work. -_-

See ya'll later bye!~

If you don't get that reference we can't be friends

BYE MY  PALADUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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