16 ~ Lance x Reader !breakdown

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Thanks to @emilydiva9 for this suggestion!

God no, please, not now. I breathed in and out fast as i laid in bed grabbing my pillow. Yet another mental and emotional break down. What if my family is dead, or what if they think i'm dead.

And what if i do die and they never see me again. I burst out into tears and my heart was racing. I couldn't take being away from them after leaving them, and the last thing i said before running away is that i hated all of them.

And of course i don't, i was just upset that they would not allow me to get into the garrison. I kept thinking of the horrible things that could happen to them, and that scenario kept playing over and over i'm my head which made me cry and scream even more.

Lance bursts into my room and rushed to my side. I grabbed onto him and held on for dear life. I never wanted to lose anyone again, and lance is the only thing i have right now.

He rubbed my back and stayed quiet, knowing that he just had to let me get everything out. After i stopped crying, i was hyperventilating and shaking violently. He laid down next to me and pulled me onto of him.

He played with my hair until i calmed down and i stopped breathing so heavily. He continued to hold me in his arms and we fell asleep peacefully until morning. I honestly don't know what i would do without him...

A week later....

I stood there, looking out of the ships massive windows at the endless abyss of space, filled with dying stars. I missed earth so much, i left my whole family and now i want to go back. I can't say i regret it, because i met lance and he's a big reason why i'm still sane. But i know i'm not going to be able to last any longer without having a breakdown like did a week ago, and lance helped me through it like he always does.

I kept thinking to myself as i stared at the stars. Then i heard someone enter the room and i didn't care to look. "Hey babe, you okay? You need another spa day?" Lance said as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Mmhm, i could really use a hot bath right about now." I say as i take my eyes away from the stars and look into his gorgeous eyes. "Let's go then~" He cooed and he held my hand as we walked to his room to soak in the bath together like we always do.

We walked into his room and he made sure the door was locked and we took off our clothes, surprisingly, Lance already filled the bath, knowing i'd want to join him.

He let me in first and before he stepped in he grabbed a small jar filled with a pink substance and opened it. He got into the water and maneuvered his legs around me so we both fit perfectly."I made this for you baby, it's made from those rare rose-like flowers that you lived that grew on the last planet we visited." He knows very well that i loved pink roses and my jaw dropped.

The smell was so sweet and pleasant that i stayed in the field for hours and occasionally slept in them because they were so calming. "Awe babe, that's amazing!" I smelled it after he opened the jar and I moaned out of pure pleasure, (but not sexual pleasure, ya nasty.) "Alright babe, close your eyes." I closed my eyes and relaxed as he spread the creamy face mask all over.

It was so cold and nice feeling and i almost went to sleep half way into him putting it on. He put it on his face too and he turned me around to where i was laying against him and we both relaxed.

We ended up falling asleep and he woke me up after he woke up. "Hey babe, we gotta wash off this face mask before the water gets too cold." He said as he rubbed my shoulders a bit to wake me up. I groaned and pulled myself away from him and i washed off the face mask and my skin felt unbelievably smooth. "Oh wow, my skin feels fucking amazing!" I said as i touched my face in awe.

"Wow this stuff really works huh?" he said as he caressed my cheek. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "You are so damn beautiful babe" He said to me as he gazed at me. I blushed and smiled and hid my face. "Baaaabe stop that~" I said as i blushed even more.

He took my hands away from my face and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back and after a little while we pulled away. "I love you so much, if you need me, for anything, i'm right here beside you." I smiled and he did too. "I love you too, more than you could ever know~" He wrapped his arms around me and hugged my tightly, and i did the same. "I'm always here, and i'll never leave you until the day i die." He said. "Me neither." We pulled away and we both got out and dried off.

"That was amazing babe, we have to go back to that planet. I kinda want to live there, and the people there are extremely peaceful too. They helped out a lot didn't they?" I said. Lance nodded. "I told them how much you liked the flowers so....We made something for you that i think you're going to love.

So much that i'm afraid you might pass out." He said as we got dressed and he took my hand and we left him room. "What is it?" i asked. "It's a surprise baby~" He cooed and made me even more excited about it.

He lead me to a part of the ship that i thought was empty, and he opened a door to a room that was massive, and a huge whiff of the scent of the flowers i loved hit us right in the face. I Stood there, not believing in what was in front of me. The huge room was turned into a sun room with a field of the rose-like flowers. Tears fell from my eyes and i slowly walked into the room.

The grass and the dirt was from the planet and so were the beautifully bloomed flowers. The room had an artificial sun that gave all of the flowers the things that the real sun would give them, so they would always be in full bloom. There were even butterflies and bees and different trees from the planet. It looks like they literally took a chunk off of their planet and put it into this room.

I Got into the room fully and i looked around, still completely in awe of how amazing all of it was, then i broke down in tears and dropped down to my knees. Lance kneeled beside me and hugged me and rubbed my back. Once i calmed down, which took a while, he wiped my tears and we stayed in the room for hours. He took me to a tree that was in the room and a small egg-shaped hammock hung from it. It was white wicker and decorated with flowers. It was the per defect size for the both of us and we ended up falling asleep together until the next day.

I haven't had a breakdown ever since then, and it's all thanks to Lance for caring so much about me. The whole team did help me, but nothing they did could amount to the help and love lance gave me out of his own heart...And i love him for that...i'll love him forever.

Sup palidudes!! Im so happy about the amount of love that im getting on my story! Im honesty so proud of how my story has blown up in the past week. I went from 9k to 11k in a few days! and thats one of the best feeling is the world to see people loving what you've created. But it wouldn't have been possible without you guys so thank you all!!

BYE MY PALIDUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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